Articoli del medico: Miss Katherine George Più di 5815 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

All about wisdom tooth extraction

It's estimated that a significant portion of the UK population undergoes wisdom tooth extraction at some point in their lives. The prevalence of wisdom tooth extraction in the UK is similar to that in other developed countries like the United States, with around 85% of people having their wisdom teeth removed due to various reasons such as impaction, crowding, or infection. Here to explain more about wisdom tooth extraction is leading consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon Miss Katherine George, who explains why it may be necessary, risks linked to tooth extraction and the recovery process following the procedure.

What to expect from earlobe reduction surgery

An earlobe reduction surgery takes roughly 30 minutes under local anaesthetic. The ears are often overlooked by parents when it comes to plastic surgery, however, having them reduced to a smaller size can often make a big difference to how patients feel about themselves. We spoke with Miss Katherine George, a highly experienced maxillofacial and facial plastic surgeon, to discuss the benefits of this procedure, how its performed, what the success rate is and what the risks are.

All about genioplasty; surgery on the chin

The chin represents one of our most prominent facial features and numerous methods have been used to alter its shape for aesthetic reasons or the chin position may need to be corrected if it is out of balance in relation to the jaw. A genioplasty is surgery done to change the position of the chin and can be performed by both plastic and maxillofacial surgeons. Maxillofacial surgeon Miss Katherine George runs us through what happens during a genioplasty and long it would take to recover.

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