Articoli del medico: Dr Kishor Tewary Più di 7440 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

How to prevent UTIs in kids

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a very common illness in children and one that parents need to be aware of. If a UTI is not diagnosed and treated, it can sometimes affect the kidneys. Dr Kishor Tewary, a leading paediatrician, explains to us what the key symptoms of a UTI are in children and infants, and how they can be prevented.

Hydronephrosis - information for parents

Hydronephrosis means ‘excessive water/urine collection in the kidneys’. Hence, it’s a condition where urine cannot drain out of the kidneys properly, causing them to swell up or stretch. It can affect one or both kidneys. Dr Kishor Tewary, consultant paediatrician, with a special interest in uro-nephrology tells us more about hydronephrosis in children.

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