Articoli del medico: Dr Maria Corretge Più di 6696 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Exploring healthy ageing: A personal journey

Healthy ageing is a deeply personal journey, marked by vitality, purpose, and well-being. From nutrition to medical care, its essence is woven throughout life's stages. It matters because it embodies the pursuit of fulfilment and potential. Guiding this journey are geriatric specialists, offering personalised care to navigate the path ahead. In her latest online article, Dr Maria Corretge explores the essence of healthy ageing and embraces its boundless possibilities.

What are the causes of fatigue in older adults?

While it’s common to experience tiredness in old age, ongoing or severe fatigue can indicate an underlying health issue that needs to be evaluated and monitored carefully by a specialist and a care team. Here to provide an expert insight into fatigue in elderly adults, including causes, signs, and management, is Dr Maria Corretge, renowned consultant geriatrician and general physician with specialism in chronic fatigue and healthy ageing.

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