Articoli del medico: Mr Navid Jallali Più di 7589 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Considering a facelift? Here's your all-you-need-to-know guide

A facelift procedure can do wonders when it comes to rejuvenating the physical appearance of the face and can make patients look up to 15 years younger. In our latest article, revered expert London-based plastic surgeon, Mr Navid Jallali, describes what a typical facelift surgical procedure involves, and also reveals how long it typically takes for patients to fully recover from the facial operation.

How to recognise VTE

We've all heard of deep vein thrombosis, where abnormal blood clots develop in the veins of the legs, or of clots in the lungs which are known as pulmonary embolism. These both come under the umbrella term venous thrombotic event. Leading plastic surgeon Mr Navid Jallali describes the signs and symptoms, and how to reduce the likeliness of developing either.

Breast lift surgery: do I need one and how much will it cost me?

As women age and have children, the bodies, of course, change too. Some women’s breasts become droopy, either because of pregnancy, or merely as a result of gravity over time. Whilst many women are not concerned by these changes, some women do seek comfort in having breast uplift surgery (mastopexy) to lift their breasts and remove excess skin. Mr Navid Jallali, a leading plastic surgeon, explains how breast lift surgery is approached, and what patients can expect from the results.

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