Articoli del medico: Mr Panos Makrides Più di 6926 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

A quick guide to robotic knee surgery

Robotic knee surgery utilises advanced technology to enhance surgical precision. It involves preoperative planning with patient-specific data, guiding the surgeon in implant positioning and sizing. During surgery, a robot assists in executing the plan, ensuring accurate placement of implants. Leading consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Panos Makrides explains more about this surgery, including the benefits and how it compares to traditional knee surgery.

Hip replacement surgery: what to expect, cost and success rate

Mr Panos Makrides, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon based in Birmingham, is the only specialist and hip replacement surgeon in the West Midlands who offers the Direct Superior Approach Surgery. We found out the price, success rate, advantages, aftercare and everything there is to know about this type of hip replacement surgery from Mr Makrides. In this article we found out how it compares with traditional methods of treatment.

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