Articoli del medico: Professor Parwez Hossain Più di 6926 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

What are corneal ulcers?

Corneal ulcers are painful sores that develop on the cornea (the transparent layer on the front of the eye that covers the pupil, iris and anterior chamber). Professor Parwez Hossain, a leading ophthalmologist, details what this eye condition is and why they are important to be aware of. Whilst corneal ulcers are dangerous to our vision, they are not all that uncommon either.

What is pterygium and does it require surgery?

Pterygium is an abnormal bump that can develop in the conjunctiva of the eye (i.e. the white of the eye), appearing as pink, fleshy tissue on the cornea. Common symptoms of pterygium can include itchiness, inflammation, a gritty feeling and sometimes, distorted vision. Professor Parwez Hossain, renowned ophthalmologist, explains in detail about this condition and when surgery should be considered.

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