Articoli del medico: Mr Simon Moyes Più di 6851 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Surfs up! And keeping injury risks down

Surfing, whether you are an expert or a first-timer, should be practised with caution. The obvious dangers, like hitting your head when falling off the board, are important to pay attention to, but what about the impact it can have on your musculoskeletal system? Esteemed London-based consultant orthopaedic and sports medicine surgeon Mr Simon Moyes discusses the injuries to be aware of, their symptoms and causes, and why it is important to have injuries diagnosed by a specialist to get the right treatment.

Cycling injuries: to hit the brakes or accelerate getting treatment?

If you're experiencing pain and suspect it to be from cycling, you may be wondering whether you need to get it checked by a medical professional or not. If you cycle professionally or recreationally, injuries can occur in the same way. Leading London-based consultant orthopaedic and sports medicine surgeon Mr Simon Moyes talks about the most common injuries and when they should be assessed by a professional.

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