Articoli del medico: Dr Simon Zokaie Più di 7996 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Acne and sunbed use: what’s the connection?

With a widespread impact on millions globally, acne, a prevalent skin condition, frequently motivates individuals to explore a multitude of potential remedies. From creams, lotions, medications, and therapies to lifestyle adjustments, several treatments have proven effective in addressing the condition. One emerging method gaining popularity is the use of sunbeds to alleviate acne. However, before making any changes, it’s critical to it's important to distinguish between what's true and what isn’t. Distinguished cosmetic dermatologist Dr Simon Zokaie explores the link between acne and sunbed use.

Acne scarring: All you need to know

Let's dive into a topic that hits close to home for many: acne scarring. After the acne battle, scarring can stick around, leaving both physical and emotional reminders. In his latest online article, Dr Simon Zokaie gives us his insights into acne scarring. He talks about how serious it could be, the main causes of scarring, how long it would have to be left untreated for scarring to occur, if it’s a lifelong condition, cure and if surgery is ever required.

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