Ears and expertise: An insight into pinnaplasty

Autore: Mr Simon Eccles
Editor: Kate Forristal

In his latest online article, Mr Simon Eccles give us his insights into pinnaplasty, also known as otoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to correct prominent ears. Ear shape can vary significantly, and it is not uncommon for individuals to have ears that differ from each other. While ear cartilage becomes firmer with age, 90% of ear growth is typically completed by the age of 8. Pinnaplasty is a versatile procedure that can be performed at any age, from childhood to adulthood. Common concerns that lead people to consider pinnaplasty include asymmetrical ears and ears that protrude excessively from the sides of the head. These issues often result from a lack of proper ear cartilage folding, known as the anti-helical fold, and an overpronounced "concha" or bowl part of the ear. In some cases, both factors contribute to ear prominence.

Surgical techniques:

Over time, various surgical techniques have been developed to reshape ear cartilage. Some techniques involve cutting into or removing portions of the cartilage, which can yield successful results but carry a higher risk of complications. Mr Eccles prefers techniques that utilise sutures (stitches) placed within the cartilage to remodel and reposition it. This approach is less traumatic for the ear, reduces the risk of surgical complications, and provides a more natural appearance. The surgical incision is typically made behind the ear, concealing any resulting scar within the natural crease between the back of the ear and the scalp. While the surgery can be performed under general or local anaesthesia, it is generally recommended for younger children to undergo general anaesthesia.


Hospital stay:

In most cases, patients can return home on the same day following pinnaplasty surgery, regardless of whether it was performed under general or local anaesthesia.


Recovery duration:

Post-surgery discomfort is typically minimal and not painful. Some patients may experience bruising and swelling of the ears, which usually subside within four weeks. To safeguard against accidental tugging on the ear, a sports headband is advised to be worn consistently for the initial weeks and then only at night. For safety reasons, it is advisable to abstain from contact sports for several weeks.


Long-term results:

Pinnaplasty results are generally long-lasting, particularly when issues do not reoccur within the first six months following the procedure.


Mr Simon Eccles is a distinguished consultant craniofacial plastic surgeon with over 30 years of experience. You can schedule an appointment with Mr Eccles on his Top Doctors profile.

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Mr Simon Eccles
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Mr Simon Eccles è un rinomato consulente chirurgo plastico cranio-facciale che pratica a Londra . Dopo essersi qualificato prima come dentista e poi come chirurgo maxillo-facciale nel 1985, si è quindi formato e qualificato come medico prima di iniziare la formazione in chirurgia plastica, specializzandosi in chirurgia testa-collo e cranio facciale. Gli è stata conferita la medaglia McGregor per le sue eccezionali prestazioni nel Royal College of Surgeons.

Simon Eccles lavora come consulente chirurgo plastico sia nel NHS che in studi privati in diversi siti a Londra ed è membro di un certo numero di comitati nel suo settore. È anche membro di un gruppo di chirurghi che lavorano per l'organizzazione benefica "Facing the World", dove svolgono lavori chirurgici salva-vita e che cambiano la vita su bambini di tutto il mondo che altrimenti non avrebbero accesso a questo livello di assistenza.

Mr Eccles si dedica anche alla formazione e all'insegnamento di giovani chirurghi plastici e ha scritto numerosi articoli per riviste specializzate, ha anche fatto diverse apparizioni televisive come esperto nel suo campo ed è stato invitato come relatore per TED.

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