Fertility assessment: When should a couple seek one?

Autore: Mr Julian Norman-Taylor
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 25/08/2023
Editor: Conor Lynch

Fertility testing is an extremely effective and accurate way for fertility specialists to identify potential fertility-related issues that may be preventing a couple from being able to have a baby.


In our latest article, expert gynaecologist and fertility specialist, Mr Julian Norman-Taylor, provides a comprehensive overview of all the fertility assessments available for couples who may be experiencing fertility problems.



When should a couple seek a fertility assessment?


More often than not, a couple will undergo a fertility assessment if they continue to be unsuccessful in relation to getting the woman impregnated. A couple may also seek fertility testing in order to find out the current state of their fertility if they are considering having a baby in the future.


Female fertility assessment: What is involved?


The majority of female fertility assessments are carried out through the use of ultrasound technology, a technique that is later typically used on the developing foetus if pregnancy occurs.


There are numerous different fertility tests available for women. The main options available include:


  1. Antral Follicle Count: This test is generally offered to women who are concerned about their increasing age and the chances of conceiving. The test entails a physical count (through the use of ultrasound) of the number of follicles produced each month. This information can be used to predict the chances of success of treatment or to give an indication if fertility in the woman is beginning to decline.


  1. HyCoSyThe HyCoSy test relies on an ultrasound probe, which is inserted into the vagina in order to examine the status of the fallopian tubes.


  1. 3D AquascanThis procedure also incorporates the use of ultrasound technology, with the main aim being to assess the walls of the uterus. This is carried out in order to look for issues such as endometrial polyps or fibroids, which may make it difficult for embryos to implant properly.


  1. Hormone testsHormone tests are based on a blood sample that is taken. These tests typically reveal necessary and important information with regards to ovarian age and any potential problems that could be caused by a hormone imbalance.


All of these abovementioned female fertility tests are generally carried out within a single menstrual cycle.


Male fertility assessment


The male test is relatively straightforward compared to the female tests. A typical male fertility assessment will involve the analysis of a sample of semen.


I often recommend that more than one test should be carried out over a period of a few months as sperm quality can vary dramatically over time.


The test is primarily looking for one of the four main male fertility problems, such as:

  • Low sperm count (oligozoospermia) or no sperm at all (azoospermia)
  • Weak or slow-moving sperm (asthenozoospermia)
  • Unusually high percentage of abnormal sperm (teratozoospermia)
  • Anti-sperm antibodies, which may indicate a potential autoimmune problem


Just like the female fertility assessment, the male fertility assessment may also require a blood test to look for any potential hormone imbalances.



Mr Julian Norman-Taylor is an extremely reputable and experienced gynaecologist and fertility specialist. If you and your partner are considering undergoing a fertility assessment, you can book an appointment with Mr Norman-Taylor via his Top Doctors profile today.

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Mr Julian Norman-Taylor
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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Laparoscopia urologica
    Preparazione al parto
    Cisti ovariche
    Ovaio policistico
    Polipi endometriali
    Malformazioni uterine
    Medicina della riproduzione
    Studio di fertilità
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