Generalised anxiety disorder: when anxiety takes over life

Autore: Dr Oscar D’Agnone
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 20/09/2023
Editor: Emma McLeod

Generalised anxiety disorder can last days or months, with symptoms ranging from physical to mental. Learn when anxiety becomes a problem and the solution to getting your life back on track, as explained by one of the most senior and respected psychiatrists in the UK, Dr Oscar D’Agnone.

A woman is lying down on her back with her hands covering her face due to the frustration and anxiety.

Some anxiety is normal

Anxiety is to our mind like pain is to our body: it is a signal, like an alarm, that is triggered by emotional tension or conflict. Much like pain, anxiety is a normal part of life. This is, however, as long as it doesn’t interfere with daily living by causing problems in our personal or social life. We can usually control anxiety and carry on, like when arriving late for an appointment or awaiting test results.

Anxiety that takes over life is a problem

However, when anxiety takes over our lives, then we have a medical problem. This refers to when the anxiety is making changes to our usual life in ways such as avoiding places or circumstances that can create anxiety at work, in the streets or at social events. The result is that you start to withdrawal and spend more time in isolation, usually under a state of apprehension. Persistent anxiety usually results in a lack of self-confidence, which ultimately has a massive impact in everyday life.

The tolerance to anxiety is different for everyone. Some people can tolerate high levels of anxiety or stress that is caused by a difficult situation that they are going through. Nevertheless, they continue with their normal lives once the situation has changed. Others are less tolerant and very soon the anguish; uncertainty; the lack of control over emotions; the sensation that something is wrong but they don’t know what it is (nor they can’t do anything about it); insomnia and tension become overwhelming and unbearable.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Most people feel a mixture or combination of the above-mentioned symptoms, some mental and some physical, and this is what doctors call GAD or Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Usually, it lasts for a limited period of time: from days to months.

There are 5 types of anxiety disorders. GAD is one of them and usually the first one to appear. The other four are OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) , panic attacks , PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and social phobia .

Panic attacks

When general anxiety peaks and turns extreme, it turns into panic. When this extreme panic appears all of a sudden, we refer to it as a panic attack. At that point people feel that something very bad and life-threatening is happening to them. They can feel short of breath, like having a weight in their chest, some think they are having a cardiac emergency and they are about to die.

Intense anxiety is frequently accompanied by physical symptoms such as sweating, palpitations , restlessness, agitation, dizziness, irrational fear, even when there is no known threat.

The solution

The good news is that today we can offer medical and psychological solutions for all these problems. There are several medications that are very effective in controlling anxiety , including generalised anxiety disorder, and to stop it in its tracks straight away.

Taking medication for anxiety is a very important first step when beginning to gain more control over the symptoms during cognitive and behavioural interventions. It’s also an important first step when learning to understanding the personal and social factors that trigger the anxiety via psychotherapeutic interventions.

A combination of medical and psychological interventions for a limited period of time usually resolves GAD, allowing people to continue enjoying their personal and social lives once more.

Learn how Dr Oscar D’Agnone can help you overcome mental health conditions such as anxiety, addiction, depression and get in touch by visiting his profile .

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Oscar D’Agnone

Il dottor Oscar D'Agnone, MRCPsych, è uno degli psichiatri e specialisti della dipendenza medica più esperti e rispettati nel Regno Unito, specializzato in disturbi d'ansia , dipendenze , problemi legati all'alcol , traumi (PTSD), depressione e ADHD . Attualmente è CEO e direttore medico di Seagrave Healthcare / The OAD Clinic, un istituto privato leader che offre servizi di salute mentale e terapia della dipendenza nel centro di Londra da oltre 15 anni.

Fino a novembre 2018 il Dr. D'Agnone è stato professore onorario della Facoltà di Medicina e Scienze umane presso l'Università di Manchester, membro del Royal College of Psychiatrists e della International Society of Addiction Medicine.

Con oltre 35 anni di esperienza come consulente psichiatra nel trattamento di pazienti con problemi di salute mentale e dipendenza, il dott. D'Agnone offre complessi interventi psico-neurofarmacologici per gestire o risolvere situazioni difficili per i suoi pazienti e le loro famiglie che soffrono le conseguenze di problemi di salute mentale. Nel corso della sua carriera ha ricoperto molte posizioni manageriali, guidando grandi gruppi di medici, infermieri e psicologi attraverso varie strutture di trattamento in Europa e in America. Di conseguenza, ha ottenuto una ricca esperienza clinica che gli ha permesso di sviluppare e offrire un approccio pragmatico incentrato sui problemi alla varietà di interventi farmacologici e psicosociali per i suoi pazienti.

Il dott. D'Agnone ha insegnato in molte università e istituzioni europee e americane e ha pubblicato numerosi articoli e libri di medicina sulle dipendenze e ha ampiamente pubblicato sulla stampa medica professionale. Inoltre, partecipa spesso a importanti conferenze scientifiche nazionali e internazionali ed è consulente senior di vari governi e prodotti farmaceutici sulla strategia politica e sulla ricerca e sviluppo di nuovi farmaci.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Terapia di coppia
    Trattamenti psichiatrici
    Psichiatria infantile
    Dipendenze tossiche (alcolismo)
    Disturbi psicotici
    Disturbi alimentari
    Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo
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