Glaucoma and ocular surface disease - a dangerous combination! – Part 1

Autore: Mr Shabbir Mohamed
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 02/04/2020
Editor: Cal Murphy

Glaucoma is all too common, affecting around 480,000 people in England alone. This condition involves excessive pressure on the optic nerve, leading to loss of vision. To make matters worse, patients may also have ocular surface disease, which can hamper glaucoma treatment and further affect the patient’s life. Expert ophthalmologist Mr Shabbir Mohamed explains.

We have a wealth of evidence that lowering intraocular pressure (IOP) helps to slow down the disease process in glaucoma. The majority of glaucoma patients are currently treated using eye drops aimed at lowering IOP. Over my working life (past 20 years), I have seen the range of available drops and combinations of drops to treat glaucoma expand greatly and this has allowed us flexibility to individualise treatments for our patients. This has been of great benefit, allowing patients to retain their sight and maintain quality of life.

Our understanding of the safety and usefulness (efficacy) of eye drops has also evolved over time. Amongst the first generation of eye drops that were available, it became apparent that some eye drops caused marked toxicity to the structures of the surface of the eye, leading to development of scarring, which compromised vision and quality of life of our patients – the very things we were trying to preserve. One such example is metipranolol, which is no longer used as a result.

Over time, newer agents and formulations have been developed that are much better – both at lowering IOP and having lower toxicity. However, the problem of toxicity to the structures of the ocular surface remains. Several studies have shown that this is a significant problem leading to loss of quality of life in a large proportion of medically treated glaucoma patients. The problem seems to be greater in patients who are treated over a long time, those treated with multiple agents and also in patients who use multiple drops containing preservatives.

In addition to drops, older patients as well as patients who develop systemic diseases are more likely to develop worsening ocular surface problems. We are also developing a better understanding of how systemic medications and nutrition plays an important role in this group of patients. It is therefore common to see patients who are having symptoms and signs related to ocular surface problems in our glaucoma clinics.

Elderly patient with glaucoma who developed severe ocular surface disease.

Implications of ocular surface disease (OSD) in glaucoma patients

Patients with OSD present with symptoms that range from ocular discomfort, redness and watery eyes to visual disturbance, which can be serious in some patients. Studies have shown that the impact of such symptoms can be quite severe on the quality of life of the patient especially in those at the severe end of the spectrum.

As a result of these symptoms, some patients stop using their anti-glaucoma medication, which can lead to loss of control of the intraocular pressure and worsening of glaucoma. This situation can then lead to a breakdown of the doctor-patient relationship and a subsequent loss of trust in the healthcare system, which is a major issue globally.

If the ocular surface toxicity is unrecognised and is allowed to persist, it can lead to inflammation, which is the body’s attempt to heal itself. However, prolonged inflammation can lead to scarring of the ocular surface tissues. We have known for many years that the health of the ocular surface tissues is an important factor in good outcomes with glaucoma management and in particular in glaucoma surgery. Therefore, if there is inflammation and scarring at the ocular surface, outcomes for glaucoma patients and in particular of glaucoma surgery are less than optimal.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione
Mr Shabbir Mohamed

Mr Shabbir Mohamed

Shabbir Mohamed è un oculista altamente specializzato con sede a Birmingham e nelle West Midlands , specializzato nel trattamento di cataratta, glaucoma e patologie della superficie oculare , tra le altre condizioni dell'occhio . Cura i pazienti con tecniche mediche e chirurgiche, incluso l'uso della tecnologia laser . È un innovatore, che sviluppa modi creativi per offrire ai propri pazienti un'assistenza di massima qualità.

Mohamed si è laureato in medicina alla Manchester Medical School (Università di Manchester) nel 1996, prima di specializzarsi in oftalmologia generale nelle West Midlands. Ha quindi completato la formazione avanzata nel glaucoma e nella gestione della malattia corneale ed esterna. È membro del Royal College of Surgeons di Edimburgo e del Royal College of Ophthalmologists.

Il signor Shabbir Mohamed ha stabilito con successo una clinica oftalmica comunitaria presso il Sutton Medical Consulting Center e ha sviluppato un complesso servizio di glaucoma presso l'University Hospital di Birmingham. La sua filosofia è che prendersi cura dei pazienti e alleviare il loro dolore è un privilegio e desidera assicurarsi che il suo servizio sia di alta qualità. A tal fine, verifica in modo prospettico il suo servizio chirurgico per garantire che gli standard siano mantenuti e partecipa a sondaggi periodici sulla soddisfazione dei pazienti. Questo, combinato con la sua ricerca sullo sviluppo di nuovi trattamenti e l'ottimizzazione dei risultati dei pazienti, lo rende un leader nel suo campo.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Microdermoabrasione
    Induttori di collagene naturale
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Lifting facciale
    Lifting collo
    Tossina botulinica (botox)
    Ripieni facciali
    Paralisi facciale
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