Halitosis: what causes bad breath?

Autore: Dr Neesha Patel
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 11/08/2023
Editor: Laura Burgess

It can be embarrassing to have a case of bad breath (or halitosis) and even worse if you don’t realise that you have it. But have you ever wondered what the cause is? One of our expert periodontists Dr Neesha Patel explains the possible reasons behind the unpleasant smell and which oral products can help.

What causes bad breath?

There are many possible causes of bad breath, which may include:

  • Morning breath – which is temporary and something that everyone may experience to some degree. When you sleep the mouth dries out due to reduced flow in saliva and an increase in microbial (bacterial) activity.
  • Smoking – this can be due to the smell of stale tobacco and also due to reduced saliva production, or periodontal disease often found in smokers.
  • Certain foods and drinks – such as garlic, onions, spices, brussel sprouts and alcohol may cause temporary bad breath. It may persist if these are consumed often.
  • Poor oral hygiene – particles remain in the mouth if you do not take care of your teeth by brushing and flossing daily. Plaque (bacteria) form and remain on your teeth and tongue, and if they are not cleaned regularly the gums become irritated, which may lead to periodontitis. Chemicals such as volatile sulphur compounds are produced by the bacteria which causes bad breath.
  • Conditions of the mouth and teeth – including periodontitis and gingivitis, dry mouth, poor denture hygiene, dental abscesses or infections such as oral candidiasis can lead to halitosis.

The above causes are the most common but other causes also exist, including diseases of the respiratory tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (including gastro-oesophageal reflux) and systemic diseases such as diabetes, cirrhosis and kidney failure.

Read more on smoking and oral health

What treatment is best for bad breath?

Many people will make attempts to mask their breath using products such as mints, chewing gum, tooth brushing or mouthwashes as they feel self-conscious of their breath. It is important to realise that many of these products merely mask the halitosis and if someone feels they have bad breath they should seek a professional assessment.

The best treatment approach will depend on the underlying cause of halitosis. Once you have seen a specialist, they can advise you on a suitable course of treatment to meet your individual requirements.

How can I prevent bad breath?

Preventing bad breath should start with excellent oral hygiene, including tongue cleaning. In addition to this, some mouthwashes can provide additional benefits but only when used in a clean mouth. Choosing a mouthwash that deals with the cause and helps eliminate volatile sulphur compounds is important, you do not want to just mask the bad breath with a minty flavour.

Ultradex mouthwash and breath spray has been clinically proven to eliminate volatile sulphur compounds and help keep breath fresh for 12 hours. It contains chlorine dioxide for a superior clean and fluoride to strengthen the teeth and protect them from decay.


Do not hesitate to book an appointment with Dr Patel if you're worried about your oral health. 

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Dr Neesha Patel
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

La dott.ssa Neesha Patel è una delle più importanti consulenti parodontologiche a Londra, che è anche la direttrice clinica della clinica Pure Periodontics. Si è specializzata in parodontologia laser e tutti gli aspetti della salute delle gengive, tra cui gomma sfuggente, malattie gengivali e trattamento gommoso sorriso .

Il dott. Patel ha lavorato sia in medicina generale che in ambito ospedaliero, tra cui l'odontoiatria restaurativa e la chirurgia orale e maxillo-facciale. Ha conseguito la specializzazione post-universitaria dal FGDP del Royal College of Surgeons of England e da allora ha conseguito un Master in Clinical Dentistry (Periodontics) presso la Queen Mary University.

Ha inoltre completato con successo l'iscrizione all'odontoiatria restaurativa del Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh ed è stata premiata dal General Dental Council. Il dott. Patel tiene numerose conferenze sui corsi di formazione continua e sui dentisti appena qualificati.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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