Hand and wrist swelling: an expert's guide

Autore: Mr Medhat Zekry
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 21/11/2024
Editor: Kate Forristal


In his latest online article, Mr Medhat Zekry gives us his insights into the swelling of the hand and wrist. He explains the most common causes of swelling, who is most likely to be affected, when to see a doctor, when treatment is required and how you can ease the swelling of hands and wrists at home.


What are the most common causes of swellings in hand and wrist?


Hand and wrist swellings, or lumps can be caused by a wide range of factors like infection, fractures, ligaments injury, inflammation, tumours of different origins or many other reasons. Each category has so many different varieties according to the nature of their causative factor.


Who is most likely to be affected by swelling of hands and wrists?


It depends on the causative factor. Fractures can affect any age groups especially sporty people and manual workers. Infections can affect patients if associated with skin cuts like in compromised immunity patients. Osteoarthritis can affect middle aged, elderly people or younger patients after healed fractures, however inflammatory arthritis can affect younger patients especially females. Tumours of bone and surrounding soft tissues can be found at any age depending on the nature of each tumour either benign or malignant and its origin.


When should you see a doctor?


Rapidly growing swellings without any history of injury should be thoroughly assessed and investigated to determine its nature or cause. This will enhance early treatment and a better outcome. Unsettled swelling after injury or associated with unwellness must be seen by a surgeon to rule out fracture/ dislocation or infection.


When is treatment required?


Treatment is required for unresolved swellings following injury, suspected infection, painful/painless swelling increasing in size, or affecting multiple joints. If the swelling affects daily activities and is cosmetically unacceptable, you should also seek treatment.


How can you ease swollen hands and wrists at home?


Following injuries; elevate the hand, apply ice, and splint the injured part, along with simple pain killers. Avoid tight bandages. Other swellings should be investigated and properly treated.


Mr Medhat Zekry is a highly qualified consultant orthopaedic hand, wrist and elbow surgeon with over 30 years of experience in his field. You can schedule an appointment with Mr Zekry today on his Top Doctor’s profile.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Medhat Zekry

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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