How a complex condition is diagnosed

Autore: Dr Michael Pelly
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 05/09/2023
Editor: Jay Staniland

If you go to see a doctor seeking a diagnosis for an unknown illness or condition, you are hoping to get a clear answer as to what condition you have, and what treatment you will need to cure it. However, this may not always be so easy, with different doctors giving different diagnoses and treatments, and the correct diagnosis can be lost in an array of specialist opinions. Expert consultant physician, Dr Michael Pelly explains why seeing a general internal medicine specialist when you have not been given a clear diagnosis and plan of action may be worthwhile.


What is a general internal medicine specialist?


Most doctors in the UK initially train in general internal medicine before going on to have a specialty interest in a particular area of expertise. A general internal medicine specialist keeps a wide clinical practice, enabling them to have a greater overview and make a clearer diagnosis. A specialist in general internal medicine will focus on the diagnosis of complex diseases, as well as the prevention and treatment of a wide spectrum of acute and chronic diseases.

Dr Michael Pelly sees patients of all ages, varying from adults experiencing post-travel illness, to patients (often elderly) with complex, and often multiple conditions and illnesses.


How does a general internal medicine specialist make a diagnosis?


In many cases, you may be referred to a general internal medicine specialist by your GP. Dr Michael Pelly has a great deal of experience treating a wide variety of conditions.

His approach to diagnosis is traditional and holistic. He begins by going through the patient’s history, such as when you first started experiencing symptoms, what are the circumstances when the symptoms arise, any medications you may be taking, any other conditions you may have, and any conditions that members of your family may have.

He will then give you a thorough examination, which will allow him to paint a whole picture of you and of the symptoms you are experiencing. His careful, comprehensive, and detailed approach allows him to make a more accurate diagnosis.

From the diagnosis he will devise a plan of action for treating, managing, or investigating the condition further, which he will discuss and agree with you, the patient. If you wish to make an appointment with Dr Pelly, you can do so by visiting his profile here.

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Dr Michael Pelly
Medicina interna

Il dott. Michael Pelly è un importante medico consulente. Dalle sue pratiche private a Londra, è specializzato in medicina generale interna, dilemmi diagnostici, malattie legate al viaggio e medicina dell'ictus.

Il dott. Pelly ha acquisito esperienza in Africa e Unione Sovietica, collaborando con enti di beneficenza come Save the Children e la Croce Rossa, oltre a far parte del team per avviare l'organizzazione Merlin (Medical Emergency Relief International), prima di tornare alla medicina ospedaliera a Londra . Ha completato un Master in medicina tropicale prima di diventare consulente presso l'ospedale di Chelsea e Westminster.

Il dott. Pelly vede i pazienti di tutte le età e ha un'ampia esperienza generale, che copre presentazioni mediche generali di tutte le età (adulti), malattie correlate al viaggio, gestione delle malattie croniche e tutti gli aspetti dei pazienti anziani, in particolare la medicina dell'ictus. Accanto alla sua pratica clinica, il dott. Pelly si dedica anche alla formazione e all'insegnamento di giovani medici e ha scritto numerosi articoli peer-reviewed per riviste mediche.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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