How common is depression and what are the symptoms?

Autore: Dr Oscar D’Agnone
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 14/06/2023
Editor: Laura Burgess

It is important to understand that there are both mental and physical symptoms of depression. Some of the symptoms can be present but in order to make a diagnosis, these should cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.

We’ve asked one of our highly-experienced psychiatrists Dr Oscar D’Agnone from The OAD Clinic, London to explain what these symptoms of depression are exactly, whether it is becoming more common these days and when you should seek professional help.

A man and a woman talking

What are the symptoms of depression?

Patients with depression typically feel low mood during the day, mostly every day. They also show diminished interest in most things that they used to enjoy and they can’t feel pleasure (known as anhedonia).

In some cases, there is a loss of appetite and consequent weight loss, or increased appetite and weight gain if anxiety is present. There is usually a slow thinking process and also a reduce on physical activity and movement is also present.

Sometimes this is related to the general feeling of fatigue or loss of energy. This lack of energy usually translates as diminished concentration, indecisiveness, and sleepiness.

When depression worsens, a feeling of worthlessness or inappropriate guilt is present.

In more severe cases, recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation without a specific plan can emerge. As depression progresses, suicidal thoughts become more concrete and patients can make specific suicidal plans. Paradoxically, when patients reach this point, they are calmed. This is because they have a plan to finish once for all with their suffering. This is a critical state when patients are more vulnerable and need to be admitted to a mental health facility to keep them safe.

At what point should someone seek professional help?

Patients should seek professional help when these symptoms interfere with their daily life and cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational or other important areas of functioning.

Are we becoming more anxious and depressed than ever before?

It is important to point out that anxiety and depression are a part of normal life. There are always reasons to feel depression or anxiety but it doesn’t mean that you have to be depressed or anxious all the time.

When depression or anxiety interfere with your daily life and there is no apparent reason that you can link to those feelings, you should be looking for professional advice.

I wouldn’t say that these days people are ‘more’ depressed than before, but people are more aware of depression and anxiety.

The general population is more educated these days and that allows them to be more aware of their own symptoms and more considerate with other people suffering from anxiety or depression.

How common are cases of depression at The OAD Clinic?

These days we see many young people under a lot of work-related stress, presenting with general anxiety disorder (GAD) and panic attacks. This is because of the big difference existing between the extremely competitive conditions in which they work and their expectations.

Initially, they feel anxious but after a while, if the situation or the way they feel about it doesn’t change, desperation gives way to depression and a feeling of “acceptance of the unavoidable, and low self-esteem settles in” and depression follows. Read more on how The OAD Clinic’s program treats depression.

You are not alone! If you are worried that you are living with symptoms of depression and would like expert help, do not hesitate to book an appointment with Dr D’Agnone via his Top Doctor’s profile, today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Oscar D’Agnone

Il dottor Oscar D'Agnone, MRCPsych, è uno degli psichiatri e specialisti della dipendenza medica più esperti e rispettati nel Regno Unito, specializzato in disturbi d'ansia , dipendenze , problemi legati all'alcol , traumi (PTSD), depressione e ADHD . Attualmente è CEO e direttore medico di Seagrave Healthcare / The OAD Clinic, un istituto privato leader che offre servizi di salute mentale e terapia della dipendenza nel centro di Londra da oltre 15 anni.

Fino a novembre 2018 il Dr. D'Agnone è stato professore onorario della Facoltà di Medicina e Scienze umane presso l'Università di Manchester, membro del Royal College of Psychiatrists e della International Society of Addiction Medicine.

Con oltre 35 anni di esperienza come consulente psichiatra nel trattamento di pazienti con problemi di salute mentale e dipendenza, il dott. D'Agnone offre complessi interventi psico-neurofarmacologici per gestire o risolvere situazioni difficili per i suoi pazienti e le loro famiglie che soffrono le conseguenze di problemi di salute mentale. Nel corso della sua carriera ha ricoperto molte posizioni manageriali, guidando grandi gruppi di medici, infermieri e psicologi attraverso varie strutture di trattamento in Europa e in America. Di conseguenza, ha ottenuto una ricca esperienza clinica che gli ha permesso di sviluppare e offrire un approccio pragmatico incentrato sui problemi alla varietà di interventi farmacologici e psicosociali per i suoi pazienti.

Il dott. D'Agnone ha insegnato in molte università e istituzioni europee e americane e ha pubblicato numerosi articoli e libri di medicina sulle dipendenze e ha ampiamente pubblicato sulla stampa medica professionale. Inoltre, partecipa spesso a importanti conferenze scientifiche nazionali e internazionali ed è consulente senior di vari governi e prodotti farmaceutici sulla strategia politica e sulla ricerca e sviluppo di nuovi farmaci.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Terapia di coppia
    Trattamenti psichiatrici
    Psichiatria infantile
    Dipendenze tossiche (alcolismo)
    Disturbi psicotici
    Disturbi alimentari
    Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo
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