How do veneers work and how much do they cost?

Autore: Dr Mark Hughes
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 29/04/2020
Editor: Bronwen Griffiths

Veneers are basically like false fingernails that fit over the front and the edge of the teeth. They are designed to enhance and improve the colour, size and shape of the teeth and they're one of the most commonly used cosmetic dentistry materials. Dr Mark Hughes, a leading cosmetic dentist, descirbes how veneers work and what makes them so intricate.

What are veneers and what are they made of?

Veneers can be made of two different materials; the first is porcelain and the other is composite resin. Porcelain is a glass-like substance, often called ceramic and porcelain veneers are the most life-like, the most durable and the prettiest form of veneer. They generally have to be made in the dental laboratory by one of our master ceramic technicians.

The other method is to use a composite resin, sometimes called bonding, and again, they can also be made in the laboratory, but very often they're done by the dentist chair-side. The dentist uses his artistry and his skill to build the veneer up directly onto the patient's tooth.

Will veneers look natural?

The look of veneers will depend on the skill of the dentist or the ceramic technician as well as the desires of the patient. Some of our patients want very natural, very aesthetic results, whilst other patients come and they want the Hollywood smile, or the most perfect set of white teeth. These veneers can look less natural and more cosmetic, but this is down to what the patient wants. However, the resulting appearance of the veneers comes down a lot to the skill of the craftsman making them.

Are veneers and caps the same thing?

Veneers and caps are generally not referring to the same thing. The traditional term ‘cap’ is usually referring to a crown which is something that completely envelops the whole tooth. It is a 360-degree wrap with complete enclosure of the tooth. A cap is very often done when the tooth is completely broken down and needs a major reconstruction. A veneer, however, like the term suggests is a very thin layer that fits just over the front of the tooth, so in essence, the bulk of the tooth structure is still intact. Veneers sometimes require very little or in some cases no tooth reduction or tooth preparation, but in most cases a very minimal tooth reduction is required, whereas a cap very often requires a lot of to structure to be removed first.

How much do veneers cost?

The cost of veneers depends on a lot of factors. The first is the type of veneer – porcelain and composite resin. Laboratory made porcelain veneers will carry an extra cost because of the fee that the dental technician will charge, whereas composite resin veneers often don't carry that fee and are usually about 50% of the cost of the porcelain veneers. The composite veneers can also be done in one visit usually, so you're not paying for as much of the dentist’s time.

Cost will also depend very much on quality of both the craftsmanship and the experience of the dentist. As in all professions there are very highly skilled masters in dental technicians and those that have less experience. The desire of the patient to have their veneers look as perfect as possible and the complexity or the difficulty of the case for that particular patient will also have a bearing on cost.

The number of veneers done per procedure will have affect cost too. For example, if you are having multiple veneers, usually the individual cost of the veneer comes down. Whereas, if you are having just a single veneer, the single tooth that has to be matched perfectly to a natural tooth next to it can be almost as costly as having two teeth done because of the difficulty in doing that procedure.

Therefore, the cost really varies and it will vary from person to person. As a ballpark, in southern England and London, a composite veneer will cost anywhere from £300 to £500 currently and you may pay anywhere from £700 to £1500 per tooth for a porcelain veneer.


If you are interested in dental veneers, make an appointment with a specialist.

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Dr Mark Hughes
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

Il Dr Mark Hughes è uno dei dentisti cosmetici leader nel Regno Unito, con una significativa esperienza e abilità sia in ortodonzia che in odontoiatria estetica. È membro accreditato della British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, un riconoscimento estremamente prestigioso, essendo uno dei soli 16 dentisti nel Regno Unito. È membro a pieno titolo dell'American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. Il Dr Hughes ha fondato l' Harley Street Dental Studio nel 2004, e ha continuato a diventare co-fondatore del famoso Harley Street Dental Group appena quattro anni dopo. Le sue cliniche condividono la visione di offrire gli ultimi sviluppi in odontoiatria e le tecniche più avanzate, per offrire risultati di alta qualità in ortodonzia e odontoiatria estetica.

Dr Hughes appare spesso nei media per discutere le sue tecniche e le sue cliniche come consulente dentale, e ha lavorato con una serie di celebrità nel corso degli anni. Con il posizionamento di oltre 10.000 faccette dentali e il completamento con successo di oltre 1.000 trattamenti Invisalign , Dr Hughes ha guadagnato la sua reputazione di dentista di livello mondiale. È un importante opinion leader e ambasciatore del marchio per molte aziende dentistiche leader e ha anche un interesse per la formazione e l'istruzione, lavorando come mentore per altri dentisti e conferenze a livello internazionale e in tutto il Regno Unito.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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