How does depression affect you?

Autore: Dr Abrar Hussain
Editor: Cal Murphy

Have you ever felt down – so down that everything began to seem hopeless? Have you ever been tormented by moods that made it difficult to get out of bed in the morning? Depression is an ever-growing problem in our society, with many people suffering with it in their lifetimes. The first step towards dealing with depression is identifying the problem and asking for help. Leading psychiatrist Dr Abrar Hussain is here to talk about the symptoms of depression to watch out for.

What is depression?

Depression is a medical condition which affects people in different ways. A survey done in 2014 in England found that 3 to 4 out of 100 adults (both men and women) suffer with depression. Although effective treatment is available, people often don’t seek help. This can be for various reasons. Sometimes, those suffering don’t realise it is a treatable condition and sometimes people might sense something is not right but feel reluctant to seek help and continue to suffer in silence.


Am I depressed?

Depression is not the same as sadness. Feeling sad in certain situations is a normal human emotion. However, normal sadness tends to be temporary and does not affect people too much. On the other hand, depression can linger on and persist for days, weeks or longer while affecting the ability to function properly.


What are the signs of depression?

One of the main clinical features of depression is low mood and a sense of hopelessness. Everything seems like hard work and it can be very hard to find the energy or motivation to do even simple things like washing and dressing yourself. Pleasurable activities no longer feel pleasurable. It can become easy to feel angry and irritable.

Sleep can be disturbed in various ways, it can be hard to fall asleep or one might wake up earlier than usual. People can lose their appetite or sometimes binge eat as a way of dealing with the negative feelings and thoughts. It can be hard to focus and concentrate on tasks.

The world around us can look dull and grey and it may become hard to trust other people. The sense of optimism and curiosity can also fade. Sometimes, people suffering from depression can experience excessive guilt and blame themselves inappropriately.

It is perhaps more common than we think in depression to feel that life is not worth living. Depending on the severity of the depression, suicidal feelings can vary in intensity and frequency. Often, these can be successfully treated if the depression is addressed.

It might sound strange but depression can also lead to physical symptoms like aches and pains and other physical manifestations for which a clear physical cause is not readily identifiable.

Dealing with depression

The most important thing for people suffering from depression is to take that first step to seek treatment. A number of well researched treatment options including medicines and talking based treatments are available. Confiding in a close trusted family member or friend can also help in overcoming the barrier to seeking professional help.

Depression is not a sign of weakness or failure. It is a well-recognised medical condition which can be treated and reversed.

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Dr Abrar Hussain

Dr Abrar Hussain

  • Terapista Analitico Cognitivo Accreditato
  • EMDR Europe Practitioner accreditato .

Dr Abrar Hussain è uno psichiatra consulente con sede a West London e Berkshire, con una vasta esperienza e competenza in molte aree del suo campo. Le sue specialità includono depressione , ansia , stress traumatico e disturbi della personalità , tra molte altre aree della psichiatria. Ha un interesse speciale nella valutazione e nella gestione dei sintomi non spiegabili dal punto di vista medico e dei disturbi neurologici funzionali. Gestisce un servizio specialistico all'interno dell'NHS per i pazienti con disagio fisico e psicologico da co-morbidità.

Ha completato la sua formazione medica nel 2002 come medaglia d'oro e da allora ha continuato a completare la sua formazione post-laurea in psichiatria a Londra. È stato insignito del Royal College of Psychiatrists nel 2009. È iscritto al Registro degli specialisti del Consiglio medico generale per la psichiatria generale e la psichiatria di collegamento.

Oltre alla sua formazione in gestione farmacologica (farmaci), è addestrato in terapie psicologiche. È un terapista accreditato in terapia cognitiva analitica (CAT), una forma di terapia psicologica basata su relazioni con se stessi e gli altri. È anche un praticante accreditato presso l'EMDR Europe. La terapia EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) è un potente approccio mirato all'elaborazione di esperienze traumatiche.

Oltre a lavorare a tempo pieno come psichiatra consulente, Dr Hussain dedica del tempo al tutoraggio per la Thames Valley e la Wessex Leadership Academy. Egli conduce la formazione per gli psichiatri junior che siedono all'esame del Royal College of Psychiatrists come Course Director for Cognitions per il corso CASC (

È attivamente coinvolto nella ricerca come Principal Investigator nel processo multicentrico nazionale CODES. Ha presentato conferenze nazionali e internazionali e vinto premi per il suo lavoro. E 'stato invitato a parlare ad un certo numero di eventi regionali e nazionali. Ha pubblicato numerosi articoli scientifici su riviste peer reviewed.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Terapia di coppia
    Trattamenti psichiatrici
    Psichiatria infantile
    Dipendenze tossiche (alcolismo)
    Disturbi psicotici
    Disturbi alimentari
    Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo
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