How they repair hernia surgical options available

Autore: Mr Sabu Jacob
Editor: Cameron Gibson-Watt

Traditionally, hernias were always repaired by open surgery, however recently, keyhole (or laparoscopy) repair has become increasingly popular, and the use of new techniques allows for less pain and much quicker recovery for patients.

Mr Sabu Jacob, a highly regarded general and vascular surgeon in Brentwood and Essex, explains to us the various surgical procedures available to treat a hernia.



What types of surgery are available?

There are two types of surgery to repair a hernia: open surgery and laparoscopic surgery.

Both procedures use the tension-free method which uses a synthetic polypropylene mesh to repair the tissue in the abdominal wall. This mesh is then in your body for the rest of your life and is made from a non-absorbable material. This mesh can be fitted using the following two methods:


  • Open surgery

The open surgery technique is carried out by an incision in the groin area and performed under a local or general anaesthetic. This method has a longer recovery time and is more painful due to the incision in the groin.


  • Laparoscopic (keyhole repair)

Laparoscopic, also known as keyhole repair, is carried out using three small incisions in the abdomen and uses a small camera to allow the surgeon to see the abdomen on a screen. It can only be done under a general anaesthetic. This method avoids the need for a groin incision, and therefore, the recovery period is quicker and there are less pain and scarring in comparison to the traditional open surgery method.


Your surgeon may decide on one of the following types of keyhole repair:

  • Transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP) - Instruments are inserted through the muscle wall of your abdomen and through the lining covering your organs, known as the peritoneal. A flap of the peritoneal is then pulled over the hernia. A piece of mesh is glued or stapled to the weak area in your abdomen wall in order to strengthen it.
  • Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) - This is the newest keyhole method and repairs the hernia without entering the peritoneal cavity. Stitches are then used to seal the skin after the repair is done.


Which is more effective?

Both open and keyhole repair are safe and work very well. Although, keyhole repair does have an advantage over the open method, as it causes less pain and less muscle damage so the recovery time is shorter. Sometimes, keyhole repair can carry a higher risk of the surgeon accidentally damaging the bowel during the procedure, but this is very rare.


The risk of a hernia returning is the same with both and you should discuss your options with a surgeon before.


What exactly is a tension-free mesh hernia repair?

For a long time, surgeons used to repair a hernia by pushing the tissue back into its correct position and stitching it together - as it was the only option available. It puts tension on either side of the hernia to close it. Nowadays, surgeons are moving fast towards procedures such as tension-free mesh repair.


The tension-free mesh repair uses a mesh in order to not pull the muscles and ligaments together - hence the name ‘tension-free’. It involves inserting a mesh over the weakened abdominal wall and allowing the body tissue to grow through the mesh to form a strong and permanent repair.


The advantages of using a tension-free mesh repair are that there is much less pain after, the hernia very rarely comes back and people who undergo this surgery normally return to an active lifestyle almost immediately after the operation.


If you are worried you have a hernia and would like to book an appointment with Mr Sabu Jacob, visit his profile and get in contact with him.

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Mr Sabu Jacob

Mr Sabu Jacob
Chirurgia generale

Jacob è un chirurgo generale e vascolare molto apprezzato a Brentwood e nell'Essex. Le sue cliniche private si trovano presso lo Spire London East Hospital , l'Holly Private Hospital , Buckhurst Hill, lo Spire Hartswood Hospital , Brentwood e Nuffield Health , Brentwood. Le sue aree di competenza includono la riparazione di ernia laparoscopica, la chirurgia della colecisti laparoscopica, il trattamento di lesioni cutanee, vene varicose, vene varicose e arteriopatia periferica.

Si è specializzato in nuove opzioni di trattamento minimamente invasive per le vene varicose ed è stato il primo ad introdurre la procedura di Venefit (ablazione con radiofrequenza per le vene varicose) in Essex. Ha eseguito oltre 300 di queste procedure con un'ottima soddisfazione del paziente.

La sua esperienza di chirurgia vascolare è ampia , essendo il primo chirurgo a eseguire la riparazione del buco della serratura di un aneurisma dell'aorta addominale utilizzando un trapianto di stent all'ospedale di King George nel 2000. Altre procedure vascolari che esegue includono chirurgia di bypass degli arti inferiori e angioplastiche.

Come chirurgo laparoscopico, Jacob ha eseguito oltre 600 interventi di ernia nel settore privato e ha vinto il primo premio per il suo lavoro sulle ernie laparoscopiche alla European Laparoscopic Surgeons Conference nel 2004.

Jacob è stato consulente chirurgo generale presso Barking, Havering e Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust dal 1999, specializzato in chirurgia vascolare e laparoscopica e ha sede presso il Queen's Hospital e il King George's NHS Hospitals nell'Essex. È stato il primo a introdurre la riparazione extraperitoneale dell'ernia per via laparoscopica (TEP) a Barking, Havering e Redbridge University Hospitals.

Jacob ha svolto ricerche approfondite sulla ricostruzione arteriosa distale per le gambe criticamente ischemiche. I suoi interessi principali includono le vene varicose, il buco della serratura e la riparazione dell'ernia laparoscopica, la chirurgia della cistifellea, la chirurgia arteriosa e gli aneurismi carotidi. È membro della Vascular Surgical Society di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda , della European Society for Vascular and Endovascular Surgery e dell'Association of Endoscopic Surgeons di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda .

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Laser
    Laser correttore di cicatrici
    Dermatologia chirurgica
    Trapianto di capelli
    Correzione di cicatrici
    Chirurgia facciale
    Aumento del seno con protesi mammarie
    Aumento seno con lipotrasferimento
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