How to deal with anxiety

Autore: Dr Abrar Hussain
Editor: Cal Murphy

Feeling anxious is a normal reaction to a difficult or threatening situation. Nervousness, apprehension, your heart rate accelerating, perhaps a sensation of nausea – we all experience these feelings throughout our lives and they can be part of a natural fight-or-flight response to danger, which could save your life. However, when anxiety becomes a regular occurrence in your life or a continuous problem; if it strikes in severe bouts where it feels like the world is going to end; if it is having an impact on your day-to-day life, then it is time to see a specialist. Renowned psychiatrist Dr Abrar Hussain is here to explain how to deal with anxiety disorders.

What can trigger an anxiety attack?

Sometimes it can be easy to find a trigger. For example, people with a specific phobia of something can have anxiety when they see that particular object. In some cases, it's much harder to find a trigger. Panic attacks, for instance, can come out of the blue without any obvious trigger. Sometimes, people can also experience anticipatory anxiety, so they feel anxious even before they're in an environment that is likely to be stressful. In conditions such as PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) anxiety can start after people witness something that reminds them of the past traumatic event. This means that the trauma has not been fully processed and still affects people.


Can anxiety be cured?

Anxiety is treatable. What you need initially is a good clinical assessment which will focus on your individual symptoms and analyse what is really going on. For example, is it just anxiety, a combination of anxiety and depression, or something else entirely? Sometimes medical conditions like a thyroid problem can manifest as anxiety. Also, some patients learn to use certain substances, like drugs or alcohol to manage their anxiety, and this can actually make things worse. A good clinical assessment considers all these factors.

There are some general strategies that can be used to manage anxiety. I recommend that people with anxiety try and manage their stress levels and find a balance in their life between work and other activities. Other things that can help a patient’s state of mind include:

  • Healthy diet
  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining a good sleep routine
  • Avoiding tablets and computers at night
  • Good social life and maintaining friendships/relationships

Moving on to more specific management: the best way to manage anxiety is through a combination of medication and psychological techniques.

Based on your individual set of symptoms, there are a number of different models of psychological therapy.

  • CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy) is often effective for treating anxiety and depression. It works on challenging negative thoughts and implementing certain behavioural changes to manage physical and cognitive symptoms.
  • EMDR (eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing) – this is a specific therapy aimed at people with traumatic histories and where anxiety stems from a traumatic event.
  • CAT (cognitive analytic therapy) – this specialised therapy works with the patient's relationships; both with themself and others, and that can also help in trying to understand certain behaviours which can lead to reinforcing anxiety.

Lastly, medication is quite helpful as well and it works quicker than therapy. Generally, we aim to use medication to restore the balance of two particular chemicals in the brain – serotonin and noradrenaline. Medication may show good effects within a couple of weeks, but it usually takes up to six weeks for medication to start working properly.

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Dr Abrar Hussain

Dr Abrar Hussain

  • Terapista Analitico Cognitivo Accreditato
  • EMDR Europe Practitioner accreditato .

Dr Abrar Hussain è uno psichiatra consulente con sede a West London e Berkshire, con una vasta esperienza e competenza in molte aree del suo campo. Le sue specialità includono depressione , ansia , stress traumatico e disturbi della personalità , tra molte altre aree della psichiatria. Ha un interesse speciale nella valutazione e nella gestione dei sintomi non spiegabili dal punto di vista medico e dei disturbi neurologici funzionali. Gestisce un servizio specialistico all'interno dell'NHS per i pazienti con disagio fisico e psicologico da co-morbidità.

Ha completato la sua formazione medica nel 2002 come medaglia d'oro e da allora ha continuato a completare la sua formazione post-laurea in psichiatria a Londra. È stato insignito del Royal College of Psychiatrists nel 2009. È iscritto al Registro degli specialisti del Consiglio medico generale per la psichiatria generale e la psichiatria di collegamento.

Oltre alla sua formazione in gestione farmacologica (farmaci), è addestrato in terapie psicologiche. È un terapista accreditato in terapia cognitiva analitica (CAT), una forma di terapia psicologica basata su relazioni con se stessi e gli altri. È anche un praticante accreditato presso l'EMDR Europe. La terapia EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing) è un potente approccio mirato all'elaborazione di esperienze traumatiche.

Oltre a lavorare a tempo pieno come psichiatra consulente, Dr Hussain dedica del tempo al tutoraggio per la Thames Valley e la Wessex Leadership Academy. Egli conduce la formazione per gli psichiatri junior che siedono all'esame del Royal College of Psychiatrists come Course Director for Cognitions per il corso CASC (

È attivamente coinvolto nella ricerca come Principal Investigator nel processo multicentrico nazionale CODES. Ha presentato conferenze nazionali e internazionali e vinto premi per il suo lavoro. E 'stato invitato a parlare ad un certo numero di eventi regionali e nazionali. Ha pubblicato numerosi articoli scientifici su riviste peer reviewed.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Terapia di coppia
    Trattamenti psichiatrici
    Psichiatria infantile
    Dipendenze tossiche (alcolismo)
    Disturbi psicotici
    Disturbi alimentari
    Disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo
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