How to look after your voice

Autore: Mr Brian Fish
Editor: Bronwen Griffiths

The voice box is what allows us to speak, and is absolutely essential. Therefore, in order to look after our voice, caring for our voice box is the main priority. This is particularly important if you rely on your voice for your career, for example, if you are a teacher, lawyer, singer, or sales representative. In such jobs, your voice is your tool, so caring for it is paramount. Mr Brian Fish, who is an ENT surgeon and expert in treating voice disorders, gives us advice on what we can do to look after our voice.

What can I do to look after my voice?

The voice box is the engine of voice production and produces the sound that we then go on to manipulate into comprehensible words. It is made up of two components:

  1. Muscles and cartilage
  2. The specialised lining that covers the muscles and cartilage

Therefore, to look after your voice, is to look after these two components.

Watch now: voice disorders

So, how can we care for our voice?

In order to look after the muscular element, there are a few easy things we can do, such as:

  • Keep ourselves well rested
  • We can also help ourselves by making sure we take a nice deep breath before using our voice because otherwise, the temptation is to try and strain those muscles to get as much sound as we can out of the air that is coming through
  • Avoid overusing the voice
  • Avoid shouting
  • Avoid using the voice when it is tired or sore
  • Avoid using the voice abnormally, such as whispering or shouting

In order to look after the specialised lining, we need to:

  • Keep it well hydrated, meaning we should drink plenty of water during the day and avoid too many caffeinated drinks which have the effect of drying things out
  • Avoid smoking and smoky environments
  • Avoid dry and dusty environments
  • Avoid certain foods which may give people acid reflux or indigestion, and that acid can come up and affect the lining of the voice box
  • Avoid constant throat clearing

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*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Brian Fish

Mr Brian Fish è un chirurgo otorinolaringoiatra con sede a Cambridge . Specializzato in chirurgia della tiroide , paratiroide e del carcinoma della testa e del collo , è anche un esperto nel trattamento di noduli della ghiandola salivare e delle ghiandole salivari , disturbi della voce , disturbi della gola e tratta un'ampia gamma di condizioni ENT. Ha fondato e dirige una clinica vocale specializzata presso l'Addenbrooke Hospital di Cambridge con un logopedista e gestisce anche una clinica per il collo e la tiroide presso Spire Cambridge Lea e Nuffield Hospitals.

Il Sig. Fish si è qualificato presso l'Università di Birmingham e ha subito una formazione approfondita presso tre importanti ospedali universitari a Liverpool, tra cui l'Alder Hey Children's Hospital, dove ha acquisito le competenze e l'esperienza per offrire servizi ORL pediatrici completi . Ha poi intrapreso una borsa di studio in chirurgia del collo e della testa presso il Royal Brisbane Hospital in Australia prima di assumere la sua posizione di consulente a Cambridge. Attualmente lavora in diversi ospedali di Cambridge e svolge il ruolo di consigliere clinico associato per l'ombudsman del servizio parlamentare e sanitario.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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