HPV: why vaccination is vital

Autore: Professor Chris Nutting
Editor: Conor Lynch

Human papillomavirus (HPV) refers to a group of extremely common viruses, and can, in some people, lead to conditions such as genital warts, and, in severe but rare cases, cancer.


In one of today’s articles, Professor Chris Nutting, a highly proficient clinical oncologist, explains why it is so important to get the HPV vaccination at an early age, and reveals whether or not there are any related side effects of the vaccination.

What is human papillomavirus (HPV)?

It is a very common illness that affects adults, and most people will actually suffer from it at one stage or another in their lifetime. The reason why it is important is because after many years (sometimes even up to between 20 and 30 years) after infection, a previous HPV infection can predispose the development of a certain cancer. This is why it is so important to try to eradicate this disease through vaccination.


What is the HPV vaccination?

The HPV vaccination is mostly given to young adults. It is administered as two doses, usually three to six months apart. This will prevent the individual from contracting the illness in the long run.


In many countries, the vaccination is given to all children, normally around the age of 12 or 13. If it is given to children early on in order to greatly reduce the risk of them getting cancer in the long run. 


The vaccine works wonders when it comes to reducing the chances of people contracting cancer in later life. The most common cancers that are prevented include head and neck cancer, amongst others.


How painful is it?

Fortunately, it is not painful at all, and is normally pinched into either the shoulder or the buttock, and the patient will not suffer from any noticeable pain.


Are there any potential side effects?

The HPV vaccine has, fortunately, been very well studied. There are no recognised short-term nor long-term side effects of this particular vaccination.


Professor Chris Nutting is a highly qualified and revered London-based clinical oncologist who specialises in head and neck cancer as well as human papillomavirus. Contact him today to book a consultation with him. You can do just that by visiting his Top Doctors profile

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Professor Chris Nutting
Oncologia radioterapica

Il professor Christopher Nutting è un oncologo clinico di spicco a Londra, le cui aree di competenza includono cancro alla testa e al collo, cancro alla tiroide , cancro ai polmoni e CyberKnife . È uno specialista in radioterapia e chemioterapia con un particolare interesse nel ridurre gli effetti collaterali del trattamento mediante radioterapia altamente focalizzata.

Dopo essersi laureato presso l'Università di Londra, il professor Nutting ha continuato a occupare un certo numero di incarichi importanti ed è diventato un oncologo di grande esperienza e estremamente rispettato a Londra.

Oltre alla sua esperienza medica, il professor Nutting ha notevoli credenziali di insegnamento, essendo stato nominato professore di oncologia clinica presso l'Institute of Cancer Research.

Il professor Nutting è desideroso di offrire la migliore e più aggiornata cura per i suoi pazienti ed è in prima linea nel suo campo quando si tratta di tecniche di radioterapia. È attivamente coinvolto nella ricerca e ha contribuito a innumerevoli pubblicazioni peer-reviewed.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Cancro della bocca
    Cancro alla prostata
    Virus del Papilloma umano (VPH)
    Vaccinazione Virus del Papilloma umano (VPH)
    Cancro al seno
    Tumori cerebrali
    Tumori testicolari
    Cancro della tiroide
    Tumori delle ghiandole surrenali
    Ecografia doppler
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