ICL: the advantages of implantable contact lenses

Autore: Mr CT Pillai
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 16/05/2019
Editor: Cal Murphy

Vision. Perhaps the sense we rely on most to perceive the world is our sight. A variety of problems can affect our eyesight, and to combat these, technology and procedures to treat our eyes are continually advancing. Laser eye surgery is well-known and comes in a number of forms, but another option is that of implantable contact lenses (ICLs). Esteemed ophthalmologist Dr CT Pillai explains:

What are ICL lenses?

ICLs stand for implantable collamer lenses, but are more commonly referred to as implantable contact lenses. Collamer is the material with which they are made; a technologically advanced lens material that has a collagen base and is 100% biocompatible and designed to function in harmony with the eye. It is a micro-thin lens that is placed inside the eye, just behind the iris (in an area called the sulcus). Because of their biocompatibility, ICLs can effectively serve as contact lenses which correct the vision permanently. There is no chance of rejection by the human eye. The latest generation of lenses are called EVO Visian ICL.


Who needs Visian ICL?

It is an excellent alternative for those who have been found unsuitable for laser treatment for reasons such as high prescriptions, thin and abnormal corneas, or dry eye syndrome. It can also be used to help correct the vision of patients suffering from keratoconus who have already had cross-linking treatment or where it has stabilised.

ICLs are often opted for over laser surgery for higher and complex prescriptions, as there is no modification of the cornea which can cause dry eyes; instead a lens is inserted, making the procedure completely reversible.


Is ICL painful?

Anaesthetic drops are applied to numb the eye, meaning that nothing is felt throughout the treatment. The drops wear off without any side effects soon after the procedure is finished. The procedure takes 30 minutes per eye and is very straightforward with an experienced ICL consultant ophthalmological surgeon. There is occasionally some mild discomfort for a few days after the procedure, but this is easily alleviated with over-the-counter painkillers and rarely causes patients any difficulty in carrying out day-to-day tasks.


Is ICL safe?

EVO Visian ICL treatment has been approved in Europe since 1997 and FDA approved in the US since 2005. In that time, almost 1 million eyes have been implanted with EVO Visian ICLs and there has been a proven safety record with a patient satisfaction rate of 99%. As with any surgery, there comes associated risk; however with ICL surgery, the risk of a severe complication is very low. One ICL implanted every seven minutes worldwide. Advanced Vision Care (AVC) surgeons are pioneers and have been international trainers for this technology for more than 15 years. This is the only ICL approved for the US military from 2003.

We provide a comprehensive one year aftercare scheme, which includes all post-operative appointments and management of any side-effects or complications. Safety of this type of surgery is highly dependent on the surgeon’s experience and expertise and it is important to ensure that all aftercare instructions are followed and all medications are taken as prescribed by the surgeon.


How much does Visian ICL cost?

At AVC, prices start from £3,350 per eye, and can vary depending on the type of prescription being corrected and complexity of the prescription, as the ICLs are tailor-made by the manufacturer. Prices include full one-year comprehensive aftercare scheme including medications for one month.


What are the advantages of ICL surgery over LASIK?

ICL treatment provides clear, sharp vision without inducing dry eyes as there is no permanent modification made to the cornea. This also means that the cornea is not made thinner, allowing for future potential LASIK enhancement surgery to be possible. There is UV protection built into the lens itself. ICLs are able to treat a much higher prescription range compared to LASIK as the lenses are bespoke and tailor made for each patient. It has also been argued that it provides a more stable and predictable outcome when treating higher prescriptions as there is no corneal healing involved, which in itself may sometimes affect the visual outcome. The procedure is also completely reversible, so if for any reason the ICL needs to be removed, this can safely be done by an experienced surgeon. More importantly it is a reversible procedure, unlike laser surgery, which causes a permanent and irreversible modification to the cornea.


If you are interested in ICLs, book an appointment with Dr CT Pillai at his Top Doctors profile.

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Mr CT Pillai

Mr CT Pillai

CT Pillai è uno dei chirurghi oculisti laser più esperti nel Regno Unito, avendo eseguito oltre 30.000 procedure LASIK , LASEK e PRK in una carriera di 25 anni. Le capacità chirurgiche di Pillai e il record di tassi di complicanze molto bassi sono stati ampiamente applauditi in riviste specializzate come Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery, Eye, IOVS, Optician and Cosmetic Surgery. È direttore medico e fondatore di Advanced Vision Care , una clinica di chirurgia oculare indipendente leader con una reputazione globale per alti tassi di successo e ampie cure post-chirurgiche.

Diplomato all'università di Madras nel 1980, Pillai si è trasferito nel Regno Unito e nel 1990 è diventato membro del Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Dopo una lunga formazione con chirurghi riconosciuti a livello internazionale in Grecia, nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti, è diventato uno dei pochi chirurghi nel Regno Unito ottengono una borsa di studio sia in chirurgia corneale che refrattiva. Pillai è famoso per essere stato uno dei primi chirurghi nel Regno Unito a eseguire un intervento chirurgico LASIK bilaterale, curando entrambi gli occhi nello stesso giorno.

In qualità di direttore medico di Advanced Vision Care, Pillai si impegna a fornire un servizio imparziale indipendente da qualsiasi produttore di lenti. Negli ultimi 15 anni ha creato una rete unica di oculisti per fornire assistenza post-terapia personalizzata al paziente, ovunque vivano nel Regno Unito. Sotto la sua guida, la clinica gode di eccellenti recensioni dei pazienti e risultati eccezionali - con il 99% dei pazienti che raggiunge una visione 20/20 o migliore.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Microdermoabrasione
    Induttori di collagene naturale
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Lifting facciale
    Lifting collo
    Tossina botulinica (botox)
    Ripieni facciali
    Paralisi facciale
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