Is obesity genetic?
Autore:Obesity is a huge health problem affecting millions of people around the world. It can impact the body in a number of ways, and losing weight can prove a challenge. What are the causes of obesity? Is obesity genetic? Or is there more to it than that? Dr Barbara McGowan, a London-based expert in endocrinology provides an explanation:
Obesity is a complex disease which results from the interactions between environmental factors and hereditary factors. It is well established that offspring of parents who are obese are more likely to be obese compared to children of parents who are not obese.
Monogenic mutations
There are sometimes genetic mutations in patients who are obese, which are called ‘monogenic’ and are very rare, for example, deficiencies in the leptin hormone or the receptor of the leptin hormone. Leptin is one of these hormones that reflect adipose stores within the body and if there’s an abnormality in this, patients can be very morbidly obese.
These monogenic mutations are rare and the majority of the common forms of obesity are associated with variations in several genes. This is also called polymorphism. Some of these genes are expressed in the brain, emphasizing the importance of the brain in the regulation of appetite control. If you do have polymorphism or variations in some of these genes that are predisposed to obesity, what that means is that in an environment where there is plenty of food, you’re more likely to put on weight and you’re more likely to become obese.
However, this doesn't mean that you cannot lose weight or try and achieve weight loss through lifestyle changes with support from health care professionals. Consulting your GP or an endocrinologist is a good place to start to learn what you can do to combat obesity. You can find Dr McGowan’s top tips for weight management here.