Jawline augmentation: all you need to know

Autore: Miss Natasha Berridge
Editor: Conor Lynch

Jawline Augmentation is becoming more and more sought after in recent times, as many patients seek to enhance and define their jawline either non-surgically and/or surgically.


In our latest online interview, highly revered London-based Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial/Facial Plastic Surgeon, Miss Natasha Berridge, talks us through the different treatment options that one might consider when it comes to augmenting the jawline.

What is jawline augmentation?

Jawline augmentation is becoming increasingly desirable and can best be viewed as a term used to define a group of procedures that can be used to define and/or tighten the lower third of the face, including the jawline.


What are the non-surgical options for jawline augmentation?

There are many non-surgical treatment options that can be used to achieve a more snatched and tighter jawline. Following clinical assessment, and depending upon where the specific correction is needed, non-surgical options may include:


  • botox
  • dermal filler
  • face and/or neck thread lift
  • radiofrequency skin tightening


What are the main surgical options?

There are numerous surgical options available to improve the definition and contour of the lower face. It is important to note that cosmetic treatments are bespoke to the individual, following consultation with their chosen surgeon and discussion of their concern areas. Surgical options available may include:


  • buccal fat removal
  • submental liposuction
  • lower face and/or neck lift
  • jawline augmentation with implants
  • mandibular osteotomy


Does a neck lift improve one’s jawline?

neck lift most certainly helps define the lower part of the face. It allows for surgical access to the deeper tissues of the lower face, thereby allowing the surgeon to tighten and improve the drape of the lower facial tissues. A neck lift is likely to be combined with other surgical intervention. Ultimately, the goal is to give the patient a more snatched, crisp, and defined jawline contour.


Miss Natasha Berridge is a highly proficient and skilled Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial/Facial Plastic Surgeon. If you are considering enhancing your jawline in the near future, be sure to check out her Top Doctors profile today to book a consultation with her

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione
Miss Natasha Berridge

Miss Natasha Berridge
Chirurgia Orale e Maxillofacciale

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Chirurgia facciale
    Lifting facciale
    Lifting collo
    Tossina botulinica (botox)
    Ripieni facciali
    Ricostruzione facciale
    Chirurgia orale
    Chirurgia plastica facciale
    Chirurgia ortodontica
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