Life after a pinnaplasty

Autore: Mr Mike O`Connell
Editor: Lisa Heffernan

A pinnaplasty (also known as otoplasty) is a straightforward operation to reset the outer ear or "pinna" to a more favourable position, closer to the side of the head, to make the ear appear less noticeable. This can have definite advantages in that less attention is drawn to the person. They can feel comfortable with their hair worn up and a swimming hat or helmet can be worn easily and comfortably.

Doctor Mike O’Connell tells us more about the pinnaplasty procedure and what to expect after it.

How is the operation carried out?

The operation can be performed under local or general anaesthesia and requires no more than a day in hospital. The ears are repositioned using permanent stitches, discreetly placed under the skin. These are not noticeable and do not need to be removed.

A head bandage is applied during the surgery to keep the ears in position for the first week after surgery and after removal, a head bandage is advised for nighttime wear for up to one month. Skin stitches are completely dissolvable.


After the pinnaplasty

The ears are uncomfortable for a short period after the pinnaplasty, but this is easily managed with basic pain relief. The patients’ normal daily routine can resume after seven to ten days, but serious exercise and swimming need to be avoided for at least a month after the operation. Dr Mike O’Connell reviews all of his patients one week after surgery and eight weeks after surgery and in between if needed.


Can I still have my ears pierced after a pinnaplasty?

Yes, ear piercing can be undertaken after pinnaplasty surgery, but Dr Mike O’ Connell usually asks the patient to wait for 4-6 weeks for the ear to recover before having the ear pierced.


How much does a pinnaplasty cost?

A pinnaplasty costs anything from £3700 which includes hospital, general anaesthetic charges and surgical fees. The price is reduced accordingly for local anaesthesia operations. Prices vary for each hospital, but a quote can be provided on request. This includes medical images and follow up care.

Ear reshaping or a pinnaplasty is a personal decision. If you feel self-conscious about the appearance of your ears or they get in the way, then a pinnaplasty can effectively resolve these concerns. Results are good from pinnaplasty surgery and patient satisfaction is high.


For more information, or if you would like to consult with Dr Mike O’Connell, please visit his Top Doctors profile.

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Mr Mike O`Connell

Mr Mike O`Connell

John Michael O'Connell è un consulente esperto ORL e chirurgo plastico nasale con sede a Brighton , Sussex e Surrey . Con oltre 17 anni di esperienza, è specializzato in una vasta gamma di operazioni su orecchie, naso, gola (ORL) e collo, tra cui pinnaplastica , sinuplastica con palloncino e rinoplastica , e tratta tutte le condizioni ORL generali in adulti e bambini. Nella sua pratica privata, si occupa principalmente di chirurgia estetica del naso e dell'orecchio, sinusite, problemi nasali, condizioni dell'orecchio, problemi alle tonsille e otorinolaringoiatria pediatrica .

Si è formato presso i centri di eccellenza di Londra sia in otorinolaringoiatria che in chirurgia plastica. Ha vinto varie borse di studio per allenarsi e lavorare con importanti chirurghi in Germania, Francia e America. Ha completato i suoi master all'Università del Sussex e gli è stato assegnato il premio Royal Society of Medicine Otology per la sua tesi. Successivamente, ha pubblicato ricerche su rinoplastica, chirurgia facciale e patologie dell'orecchio.

È un leader britannico nella sinuplastica con palloncino , l'ultimo sviluppo nella chirurgia del seno, che ha notevolmente migliorato la capacità chirurgica di trattare la sinusite. Ha anche introdotto l'adenotonsillotomia di cobalazione al Royal Alexander Childrens Hospital di Brighton, che riduce in particolare sia il dolore post-operatorio sia il rischio di sanguinamento dopo l'intervento chirurgico.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Lifting facciale
    Lifting collo
    Fili Tensori
    Lifting glutei
    Tossina botulinica (botox)
    Ripieni facciali
    Ricostruzione facciale
    Malformazioni congenite
    Chirurgia plastica facciale
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