Lower urinary tract symptoms: what are they, and when should I worry?

Autore: Mr Zeb Khan
Editor: Conor Lynch

In one of our latest articles here below, distinguished consultant urologist, Mr Zeb Khan, talks us how lower urinary tract symptoms are treated, and outlines what causes these symptoms to occur.

What are the most common lower urinary tract symptoms?

There are two types: one is the irritative or urge symptom, and the second is difficulty passing urine. The urge symptoms include urinary frequency, occasional urgent incontinence, as well as getting up at night. Symptoms related to difficulty passing urine include incomplete emptying, hesitancy when urinating, as well as having to wait a long time to pass urine.


What can cause lower urinary tract symptoms?

It depends on the age. In young age, it can be caused by urge symptoms due to the fact that the bladder is quite sensitive to fluid intake at a young age. Generally, if patients consume a lot of coffee and fizzy drinks, they can experience urge urinary tract symptoms, or, in other words, bladder irritative symptoms. The second most common cause is prostate enlargement.


What treatments are available for lower urinary tract symptoms?

If the symptoms are not very bothersome, we treat the symptoms through conservative treatment, or in other terms, through alpha blockers. If the patient is suffering from urge symptoms, then firstly we will recommend that the patient prioritises lifestyle changes, such as a reduction of caffeine, avoiding chocolate, and/or energy/fizzy drinks.


Sometimes, we also need to prescribe medication to help with urge symptoms, and occasionally, if people suffer from a mixture of both urgency and difficulty passing urine, we can carry out a test, where we insert a catheter into the bladder and artificially fill the bladder with a drip.


This is then shown on the computer, and according to the results, we treat what we need to treat accordingly. If it is bladder overactivity with a weak urine stream and high pressure while passing urine, we offer a prostate operation.


Can lower urinary tract symptoms be a sign of something more serious?

Usually not, but sometimes lower urinary tract symptoms can lead to urinary retention, which can be secondary to constipation, urine infections, and not emptying the bladder in time. If patients present with urine retention and their kidney function is damaged, then these patients will need an operation. We leave the catheter in place until the operation is performed.


When should I see a doctor if I am experiencing lower urinary tract symptoms?

It depends on the symptoms. They should seek medical attention if they are frequently getting up at night to pass urine, if they are experiencing frequent urination, if they suffer from incomplete emptying, or if they experience a significant weakness when it comes to their urine stream.


Mr Zeb Khan is a highly revered consultant urologist who can help treat your urinary tract symptoms that are interfering with the quality of your life. Contact him today via his Top Doctors profile to book a consultation with him.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Zeb Khan

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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