Lumps and bumps: types, causes and treatment

Autore: Dr Deirdre Buckley
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 25/10/2023
Editor: Robert Smith

It’s not unusual to encounter lumps and bumps on your skin at some point in your lifetime, but some are more dangerous than others.

We spoke to Dr Deirdre Buckley , a leading consultant dermatologist who is based in Bath, to find out when lumps are potentially dangerous and some of the treatment options available.


girl thinking

What are considered to be lumps and bumps on the skin?

Lumps and bumps on the skin are raised areas which may be the same colour as the skin, or red, purple, blue, brown, black, white or yellow in colour. Some lumps may also have a portion under the skin, when the lump is often referred to as a ‘cyst’ or ‘nodule’.

What are the most common types?

The most common lumps on the skin are moles, dermatofibromas, skin tags, seborrhoeic keratoses, solar keratoses, sebaceous cysts, haemangiomas, pilar cysts, hypertrophic or keloid scars, and warts. All of these are harmless.

What are rarer types of bump on the skin?

Rarer bumps include neurofibromas, leiomyomas, connective tissue naevi, various types of birthmark and various skin cancers.

When should I see a dermatologist?

If your lump is painful, bleeding, changing colour or enlarging (especially if it is new) you should seek the advice of a dermatologist.


What are the possible treatment options?

The dermatology consultant will examine the lump, often using a dermatoscope, a special instrument which allows visualisation of structures under the skin and aids diagnosis. If it is harmless, the dermatologist will advise you that no treatment is needed, although some harmless lesions are removed because of persistent pain, bleeding, or because they are at a site easily traumatised, for example by underwear or clothing elastic.

If the lump needs further examination, a small sample (biopsy) may need to be carried out under local anaesthetic, or the whole lump removed, with stitches to close the wound, leaving a scar. The procedure is normally painless, as modern local anaesthetic is extremely effective.

If biopsy or removal is considered necessary, the procedure will be discussed with you and booked on a convenient date, so you can bring a friend or relative with you if you wish.


Remember that the vast majority of lumps and bumps on the skin are entirely harmless and once you have had your dermatology consultation, you can have peace of mind.

For any other questions you may have, you may like to book an e-Consultation or appointment with a top dermatologist such as Dr Deirdre Buckley , who will be able to offer more medical advice and adequate treatment if necessary.

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Dr Deirdre Buckley

Dr Deirdre Buckley

Il dott. Deirdre Buckley è un importante dermatologo consulente a Bath , specializzato in allergie , tra cui orticaria , patch test e punture , malattie della pelle ed eruzione cutanea .

Il dott. Buckley ha studiato medicina all'University College di Cork, in Irlanda. Si è formata in unità specializzate in chirurgia del cancro della pelle a Birmingham e Londra ed è stata senior registrar in dermatologia presso l'University College Hospital di Londra.

Il dott. Buckley ha ricevuto una formazione specialistica in dermatite da contatto presso il Dipartimento di allergia cutanea, St Thomas 'Hospital, Londra e in generale allergia presso l'Imperial College di Londra e il Dipartimento di allergia cutanea, Amersham.

Per un periodo di dieci anni, il dott. Buckley ha sviluppato i servizi di allergia, chirurgia del cancro della pelle e fototerapia a Swindon, in particolare istituendo un servizio integrato di test di puntura NHS di tipo I per i pazienti allergici.

Al Circle Bath Hospital, il dott. Buckley gestisce un servizio specializzato di allergie e prick test per adulti e bambini di età superiore ai 16 anni, concentrandosi su allergie a frutta a guscio e altri alimenti, animali domestici, polline, polvere, asma, congiuntivite allergica ed eczema atopico .

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Laser
    Trattamento lesioni pigmentate
    Induttori di collagene naturale
    Bio-stimolazione con plasma ricco di piastrine
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Lifting viso con radiofrequenza
    Lifting con radiofrequenza
    Ringiovanimento mani
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