Miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage and causes

Autore: Professor Ying Cheong
Editor: Karolyn Judge

Miscarriage, recurrent miscarriage and the associated emotions it can bring are difficult. Further to this, the reasons behind why it happened can also be equally tough to cope with.


If you’re unsure about the causes of miscarriage and have questions about them, leading reproduction and surgery specialist Professor Ying Cheong can assist.      

Woman who has had a miscarriage looking in the mirror

What are the most common causes of a miscarriage? Is it possible to determine the cause of a miscarriage?

Miscarriage can be caused by:

  • a defective womb lining (endometrium) which can be a result of infection, inflammation, repeated surgery, adhesions, or unknown;
  • an abnormal embryo (incorrect chromosome/genetic makeup) which can be the result of ageing or a condition you are born with;
  • abnormal hormonal balance (conditions such as abnormal thyroid, or polycystic ovary syndrome is associated with miscarriage);
  • unexplained (this is when no investigations have revealed any abnormalities).


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, avoiding smoking, excessive alcohol and maintaining a normal weight can reduce your risk of having a miscarriage.


There are tests that can be performed to check for abnormalities. But generally speaking, as miscarriage can occur in one in five women, investigations are not performed after one miscarriage. But if miscarriages are recurrent, defined by loss of two or more pregnancies, usually in the early stages of pregnancy, investigations would be performed.


If you suffer from late miscarriages (pregnancy losses in the second trimester, a miscarriage that happens after three months of pregnancy but before 24 weeks), there may be other reasons e.g., weakness of the neck of the womb that would require investigation and monitoring.


However, if you are concerned about your risk of a repeat miscarriage for whatever reason, it would be useful to have a chat with your doctor who can then screen through your medical history to assess your risk.



What is considered recurrent miscarriage?

This is defined by loss of two or more pregnancies, usually in the early stages of pregnancy, and in this case, investigations would be performed.



When should you see a doctor about recurrent miscarriage?

You should see your doctor if you have had two or more miscarriages. Or if you think you are at risk of recurrent miscarriages due to the above reasons.



What tests are performed in cases of recurrent miscarriage?

The investigations include:

  • Examining clotting factors (thrombophilia screening)
  • Examining the genetics of parents (karyotyping)
  • Checking your hormones (e.g., thyroid function tests)
  • Investigating the shape of the womb and its cavity and lining (this can be done by a 3D scan and if required an operation called hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy)



Is it possible to have a healthy pregnancy after several miscarriages?

It is possible to have a heathy pregnancy after having recurrent miscarriages. In fact, research has shown that in women who had three or more miscarriages, there is a six out of 10 chance that their next pregnancy will be fine.




If you’re looking for medical expertise regarding concerns you may have surrounding recurrent miscarriage or other reproductive health issues, arrange an appointment with Professor Cheong via her Top Doctors profile.

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Professor Ying Cheong
Riproduzione assistita

Il professor Ying Cheong è un esperto specialista in medicina riproduttiva e chirurgia con una vasta formazione ed esperienza sia nel trattamento clinico che chirurgico della sterilità . Il professor Cheong è altamente specializzato nella chirurgia riproduttiva , utilizzando sia la tecnica laparoscopica (mini-invasiva) che le tecniche aperte nel trattamento di pazienti con problemi di fertilità. Il professor Cheong vede e gestisce i pazienti che presentano una vasta gamma di problemi ginecologici, le sue aree di interesse tra cui l' endometriosi, aborto ricorrente, sindrome dell'ovaio policistico ( PCOS ) e aderenze .

Nel 2011, il professor Cheong è stato cofondatore del centro di fertilità completo Southampton , situato presso l' ospedale Princess Anne . Il centro innovativo ora tratta centinaia di pazienti fertili, sforzandosi di offrire cure di fertilità compassionevoli e accessibili a tutti. Il professor Cheong è anche attivamente coinvolto nella ricerca nello sviluppo e nella nutrizione degli embrioni e siede in diversi comitati direttivi di sperimentazione clinica. Ha fatto parte del comitato consultivo scientifico del Royal College of Obstetricians e ha diretto la rete di ricerca clinica locale. È stata descritta in numerose pubblicazioni ed è coinvolta in numerosi studi clinici attivi.

Oltre alla sua ricerca e pratica clinica, il professor Cheong è anche attivamente coinvolto nell'istruzione e nella formazione, sia a livello universitario che post-laurea. Nel 2008, è stata nominata Senior Lecturer presso l' Università di Southampton , dove ora è coordinatrice per l'ultimo anno di insegnamento in ostetricia e ginecologia.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
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    Consulenza cosmetica
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    Laparoscopia urologica
    Disfunzione erettile
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