MonaLisa Touch®: a treatment for menopausal symptoms

Autore: Mr Nicholas Morris
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 03/02/2020
Editor: Bronwen Griffiths

During menopause, many women suffer from vaginal soreness and sensitivity that can be difficult to relieve. Laser vaginal rejuvenation is a procedure that has shown a lot of success in treating such problems. Mr Nicholas Morris, a leading obstetrician and gynaecologist, is one of a handful of specialists who offers this treatment in the UK. 

What changes occur in the vagina during menopause?

During menopause, the body undergoes a series of changes, which physically can  affect the vagina. Many women experience dryness, soreness and a persistent burning sensation which can become painful during and after intercourse (dyspareunia). Women can also experience urinary incontinence as a result of menopause. These changes are largely due to a decline in oestrogen production which causes the cellular layer of the vagina to become thin, and therefore vulnerable and  more easily damaged and to become very delicate. This is known as atrophic vaginitis. 

How can these changes be treated? What is laser vaginal rejuvenation?

Such symptoms can be treated with either with systemic  or topical oestrogen  and now with laser vaginal rejuvenation. Some women will benefit from systemic oestrogen, but many women do not want to take hormone replacement therapy (HRT) because of the potential side effects. We now know that for many women HRT does not successfully relieve the symptoms of atrophic vaginitis.

However, laser vaginal rejuvenation procedures are successful as a treatment for atrophic vaginitis. One such procedure is the MonaLisa Touch®, developed by Professor Stefano Salvatore, a leading gynaecologist based in Milan. The MonaLisa Touch® is able to help all women with raw vaginal tissues and is a pain-free, minimally invasive procedure.

How does the MonaLisa Touch® procedure work?

The MonaLisa Touch® is a three treatment programme, which is carried out over six  months. The initial treatment follows a consultation, and literally takes a few minutes. The second treatment is a month later, and the final treatment within a few months. 

The MonaLisa Touch® uses a specially designed carbon dioxide laser which is carefully placed  into the vagina. Low-energy pulses are aimed at the vaginal tissues which create micro-lesions. These micro-lesions trigger the production of collagen which restores the overall health of the vaginal wall. Over the course of the treatment programme vaginal tissue is regenerated, restoring comfort to the patient, with noticeable changes being felt after just the first session. 

How can you prepare for MonaLisa Touch®?

It is advised that women who have this treatment do not use vaginal lubricants for 48 hours before surgery, and my advice is to refrain from sexual intercourse 48 hours after the first treatment. The treatments are carried out as an outpatient procedure, which require no anaesthesia.

If you are interested in finding out more about the MonaLisa Touch®, book an appointment with Mr Nicholas Morris. Mr Nicholas Morris offers this procedure at his clinic at the Portland Hospital. Costs for a treatment cycle are approximately £1800*, excluding the initial consultation.


*Prices accurate at the time of publication. 

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione
Mr Nicholas Morris

Mr Nicholas Morris
Ginecologia e Ostetricia

Nicholas Morris è uno dei maggiori ostetrici e ginecologi di Londra con oltre venti anni di esperienza. È un pioniere della salute delle donne e lavora a stretto contatto con i suoi pazienti per garantire che ricevano un'eccellente qualità di assistenza, offrendo gli ultimi progressi nel trattamento medico, tenendo a mente le esigenze individuali e generali del paziente.

Morris ha fondato la prima clinica nel Regno Unito per le donne sottoposte a mutilazione genitale femminile (MGF), oltre a scrivere l'atto FGM del 2003 con i suoi colleghi. Le specialità del signor Morris includono la chirurgia del pavimento pelvico e genitale, il dolore pelvico, l'endometriosi, i fibromi e i disturbi mestruali. Egli è anche un testimone esperto e fornisce regolarmente il supporto medico-legale.

Morris si è inizialmente diplomato nel 1984 presso la St. Mary's Hospital Medical School e ha continuato la sua formazione nei principali ospedali universitari di Londra. Nel 2007 Morris ha ricevuto la sua borsa di studio dal Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecology. Oltre ai numerosi impegni clinici di Mr Morris, è anche attivamente coinvolto nella ricerca, con numerose sovvenzioni dalla British Heart Foundation e dal Dipartimento della Salute. Ha pubblicato più di 50 articoli scientifici su preeclampsia, gravidanza, mutilazioni genitali femminili e altre aree di cura ostetrica.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Bio-stimolazione con plasma ricco di piastrine
    Malattie sessualmente trasmissibili (MST)
    Consulenza cosmetica
    Ricostruzione mammaria
    Malformazioni congenite
    Disfunzioni sessuali
    Laparoscopia urologica
    Disfunzione erettile
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