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Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Living with eczema: comprehensive insights for patients

Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a chronic skin condition characterised by inflamed, itchy, and often scaly patches of skin. Affecting millions globally, eczema can significantly impact daily life. Renowned consultant dermatologist Dr Sophie Gaikwad provides a comprehensive overview of eczema, covering its causes, professional treatment options, self-care strategies, and additional relevant information to effectively manage the condition.

Navigating adversity: A personal and professional journey through unexpected challenges

The personal experience I am relating below touches upon matters I deal with in my clinical practice as a consultant clinical health psychologist: how to become stronger in the face of adversity and how to promote a sense of self-confidence and wellness despite ongoing limitations in role and function caused by health problems.

Is it ADHD or autism?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are both neurodevelopmental conditions that can exhibit similar symptoms, making it challenging to differentiate between them. Understanding this is essential in order to make an accurate diagnosis and undertake effective treatment. Leading child and adolescent psychiatrist Dr Colette Solebo provides a detailed insight into this important consideration.   

Breast plastic surgery: Boosting confidence and well-being

Breast plastic surgery has become a vital option for many women seeking to enhance their quality of life. The reasons for undergoing such procedures are varied, but they often stem from a desire to improve self-esteem and body confidence. In her latest online article, Miss Kerstin Oestreich delves into the multifaceted benefits of breast plastic surgery, the types of procedures available, potential risks, and the recovery process.

Heart disease and cholesterol: what is the connection?

Heart disease stands as a significant global health threat, claiming many lives prematurely worldwide. Among the myriad factors contributing to this alarming reality, high levels of cholesterol have emerged as a central concern in cardiovascular health. Distinguished consultant cardiologist Dr Dushyant Maradia explores the intricate relationship between heart health and cholesterol, aiming to explain the role of cholesterol in our well-being and how we can assert control over our heart health.

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