La miglior informazione di attualità medica
Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Hip replacement surgery explained

Hip replacement surgery, a common procedure where a damaged hip joint is substituted with an artificial one (known as an implant), offers a new lease on life to individuals suffering from debilitating hip pain. This surgery is predominantly performed on people aged between 60 and 80, although adults of any age can be considered. Modern artificial hip joints are designed to last at least 15 years, significantly reducing pain and improving mobility for most patients. In his latest online article, Mr Trevor Lawrence gives us his insights.

The essentials of image guided biopsies

When faced with health concerns that require further investigation, a biopsy can provide valuable insights. This procedure involves obtaining a small tissue sample or cells from a specific area of the body for testing and analysis in a laboratory. However, in some cases, traditional diagnostic imaging may not provide sufficient clarity, leading to the need for image guided biopsies. In his latest online article, Dr James Briggs delves into what image guided biopsies entail, their applications, and what to expect during the procedure.

Revolutionising heart surgery: Minimally invasive mitral valve repair

In the realm of cardiac surgery, innovation has long been synonymous with improved patient outcomes and enhanced quality of life. One such innovation that stands at the forefront of contemporary cardiac care is minimally invasive mitral valve repair. This transformative approach not only revolutionises surgical techniques but also offers a beacon of hope for patients facing mitral valve disorders. In his latest online article, Mr Selvaraj Shanmuganathan delves into the intricacies of this groundbreaking procedure and explores its profound impact on the landscape of cardiovascular health.

Treating alcohol problems: a comprehensive guide

Recognising and seeking treatment for an alcohol problem is a courageous act. It represents a significant and daunting step forward in someone’s life. This individual requires support and encouragement not only from professionals but also from family members, friends, and caregivers. Treatment for excessive alcohol use and dependence is lengthy (sometimes lifelong) and challenging. It must be well-structured and relies heavily on the individual’s commitment and willingness to make comprehensive lifestyle changes. Revered consultant in adult mental health and addiction psychiatry Dr Christos Kouimtsidis explains how alcohol addiction can be treated, and provides tips for family and friends to support their loved ones through the road to recovery.

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