La miglior informazione di attualità medica
Più di 6749 articoli redatti dai migliori specialisti

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors

Kidney-related hypertension: How your kidneys affect blood pressure

Hypertension is a prevalent condition that can lead to severe health problems if left untreated. One of the critical areas in understanding hypertension is its relationship with kidney health. Here, Dr Rhys Evans, renowned associate professor of renal medicine and consultant nephrologist, offers an expert insight into how the kidneys affect blood pressure, the common kidney-related causes of hypertension, and the long-term outlook for patients.

Choosing between partial and total knee replacement

Knee replacement surgery has become increasingly common, offering relief to millions of people suffering from severe knee pain and limited mobility. However, when considering knee replacement, patients are often faced with a crucial decision: partial or total knee replacement. Both procedures aim to alleviate pain and restore function, but they differ in scope and approach. In his latest online article, Mr Tarique Parwez delves into the nuances of partial and total knee replacement, comparing their benefits, drawbacks, and suitability for different individuals.

Endometrial ablation surgery: FAQ

While menstruation is a universal experience for women, not every woman is fully informed about its variations. Factors such as flow intensity vary among individuals; some experience heavier flows, while others have lighter ones. For those grappling with excessively heavy flows causing inconvenience, there's an option called endometrial ablation surgery. Renowned consultant urogynaecologist Mr Paul Hooper offers insights into when this procedure might be suitable for you.

PCOS: Can Ozempic help alleviate symptoms?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) impacts roughly one in ten women in the UK. However, this hormonal disorder is frequently undiagnosed and many people who suffer from the condition don’t know they have it. In her latest online article, renowned consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist Dr Shazia Malik explains how weight loss drugs like Ozempic could help alleviate symptoms of this condition.

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