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Rotator cuff injuries: Diagnosis and treatment

The rotator cuff plays a pivotal role in stabilising and facilitating the wide range of motion that the shoulder joint is capable of. When the function of the rotator cuff is disrupted, this can lead to pain, restricted movement, and a decrease in overall quality of life. Here, Mr Dave Cloke, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon, offers his expert insight into rotator cuff injuries.

Understanding the resection process in gastric sleeve surgery

Gastric sleeve surgery, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, has become a popular and effective weight loss solution for individuals struggling with obesity. This surgical procedure involves the removal of a significant portion of the stomach, resulting in a sleeve-shaped stomach that is approximately the size and shape of a banana. While the overall procedure encompasses several critical steps, Mr Sanjay Agrawal will delve into the specifics of the resection process, highlighting its importance and impact on the surgery’s success.

Mostra risultati 490 di 6883

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