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Redazione internazionale di Top Doctors
Angiologia e Chirurgia vascolare

Varicose veins surgery: What you need to know

Varicose veins are a common condition that affects many people, causing not only cosmetic concerns but also discomfort and health complications. For some people, surgery becomes a necessary option to manage the condition effectively. Here, Mr Paul Bachoo, renowned consultant vascular surgeon, offers an expert understanding of varicose veins surgery.

Low libido in men: Causes, diagnosis, and treatment

Low libido, commonly known as low sex drive, is a subtle aspect of men's sexual health marked by a reduced interest in sexual activities. While it differs from erectile dysfunction, the two often overlap, influenced by factors that tend to gain prominence as men age. In his latest online article, Mr Michael Wanis explores low libido, and finds that it involves more than just physical aspects, covering psychological, lifestyle, and medical factors that collectively impact male sexual well-being.

Finding relief: The benefits of breast reduction surgery

For many women, the burden of excessively large breasts goes far beyond aesthetic concerns. The physical discomfort, emotional strain, and medical complications can significantly impact their quality of life. From chronic back and neck pain to self-consciousness and difficulty finding properly fitting clothing, the challenges are numerous. However, there is hope in the form of breast reduction surgery. In her latest online article, Miss Lisa Sacks gives us her insights.

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