Penoplasty: penis length and girth enhancement

Autore: Dr Gary Horn
Editor: Emma McLeod

The length and girth of a penis can cause anxiety in many men. Fortunately, safe surgical and non-surgical procedures can help to resolve this. However, men undergoing these procedures need to be realistic about the results. Dr Gary Horn, a renowned plastic surgeon with extensive expertise in cosmetic treatments including penoplasty procedures, explains what happens, risks and a non-surgical alternative.

An image of a man's body, which is visible from the waste down, sitting on a sofa


What is penoplasty?

Penoplasty is the surgical procedure used to increase length, girth or both of the penile shaft.


Is penoplasty safe?

Penoplasty techniques have been around for more than 20 years. They are safe as long as your surgeon is experienced with this surgery.


What happens during a penoplasty procedure?

Penoplasty surgery is performed in a hospital and requires general anaesthesia for most cases.


To increase the length, your surgeon needs to release part of the suspensory ligament; this is what attaches the non-visible part of the shaft to the pubic bone. The length gained varies between 1 to 3cms (half an inch to an inch and a half). However, this length is mostly visible in the flaccid state. The increase of length is barely visible or not visible at all during an erection.


To increase the girth, your surgeon needs to transfer fat from the areas where it is available, such as the stomach and inner thighs. This fat is transferred to the dorsal part of the penile shaft. Generally, 80 to 100ml of purified fat is injected deep into the subcutaneous layer of the penile shaft. The increase of girth that’s visible in both the flaccid and erection state varies between 2 to 4cm (1 to 1 and a half inches).


What are the risks of penoplasty?

Risks of lengthening the penis:

  • Pain for about 10 days (alleviated by pain killers)
  • 4cm scar in the pubic area (this will fade within six months)
  • Swelling for three weeks
  • Infections (prevented by antibiotics)
  • Bleeding and haematomas (which are usually drained)
  • The penis having a slightly more horizontal angle when erect


Risks of increasing penis girth with fat transfer:

  • Pain in the donor area
  • Bruising
  • Fat lumps (prevented by massage)
  • Fat resorption (depending on the technique used, this varies between 5 to 25%)
  • Tight foreskin (phimosis) if fat gets stuck under the foreskin


And for both parts of this treatment, patients have to be aware of realistic expectations.


How long does it take to recover from penoplasty?

During recovery you must:

  • rest for two weeks
  • avoid the gym for four weeks
  • wait six weeks before having sex

Is there a non-surgical option?

The non-surgical option is to get injections of hyaluronic acid. This filler treatment is performed under local anaesthetic in the clinic and takes half an hour. The amount of injections depends on your size and how big you want the penis to be. What’s more, it can be done in one or multiple sessions.


This filler will last 18 months and is a reversible product. If you don’t like the result, it can be removed with the injection of an enzyme


To get in touch with Dr Horn and discover how he can help you with penoplasty, pectoral enhancement and more, click here.

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Dr Gary Horn

Dr Gary Horn
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Dr Gary Horn è un rinomato chirurgo plastico con sede a Londra e Bruxelles , che ha una vasta conoscenza ed esperienza in tutti gli aspetti della chirurgia estetica . Le sue aree di competenza si trovano in aumento natica, penoplasty chirurgica e non chirurgica, e la valorizzazione pettorale. Nel 2003, il dottor Horn ha progettato il primo impianto pettorale , che viene ora utilizzato in tutto il mondo.

Il dott. Horn ha iniziato la sua carriera in medicina nei principali ospedali di Parigi, tra cui l'ospedale Saint-Louis e l'ospedale Saint-Antoine, dove era residente principale e poi assistente presso l'ospedale di Parigi. Specializzato in chirurgia plastica, estetica e ricostruttiva, nel 2002 il dottor Horn è diventato consulente chirurgo plastico. Nel 2003 si è dedicato alla sua pratica privata e si è iscritto al General Medical Council (GMC) nel Regno Unito dove ha aperto la sua clinica londinese.

Ha scritto molti articoli professionali sulla sua esperienza nell'incremento dei glutei e dei pettorali e ha scritto il primo articolo su questo argomento per comparire nella rivista French Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. Partecipa a numerosi incontri nazionali e internazionali sulla chirurgia plastica in città come San Paolo, dove si è esibito in chirurgia dal vivo, Heidelberg, Barcellona e Beirut, dove tiene anche molte presentazioni.

Le operazioni del dottor Horn sono state presentate sulla serie della BBC Plastic Fantastic. È stato filmato per le sue procedure pionieristiche di penoplastica ed è riconosciuto come uno dei migliori chirurghi europei per le procedure di aumento del seno e dei glutei.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Medicina estetica corpo
    Trattamento delle occhiaie
    Aumento labbra
    Idrolipoclasia con cavitazione
    Eliminazione dei tatuaggi con laser
    Laser correttore di cicatrici
    Lifting laser
    Trapianto di capelli
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