Teeth in a Day: why does the procedure price vary?

Autore: Mr Ali Abdellatif
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 16/01/2020
Editor: Laura Burgess

Teeth in a Day is an exciting process in dentistry where patients can have dental implants placed and leave the dentist’s chair with fully functioning teeth – all on the same day! This could be from having one single implant to a whole set of teeth.

Of course, the price of Teeth in a Day is going to be different for everyone and in this article, one of our top dentists Mr Ali Abdellatif explains why the procedure price varies and what is taken into consideration to determine the overall cost.

Can anyone have Teeth in a Day?

Teeth in a Day dental implantation is something that many patients ask me about in my clinic. A lot of people say that their friend or partner has had it done and wonder why they are unable to. I tell them that it is possible but it has to be done under certain conditions.

It is very possible to take out a tooth, insert a dental implant and attach a brand-new tooth to it immediately. It is also possible to take out a whole bunch of teeth, insert four to six dental implants and attach a whole set of brand-new teeth to them on the day.

A lot of people will walk in at say 9:00 am, for example, and leave by 2:00 or 3:00 pm with a brand-new set of teeth. It's doable, but it requires the right anatomy, the right type of implants, the right skills and the right conditions in the patient.

Read more: choosing the right dentist for implants

How much does Teeth in a Day cost?

Teeth in a Day can range in price from as low as £10,000 for a full set of teeth, all the way up to £40,000. The price differs depending upon what you're having done as part of your individualised treatment plan.

Why is there a wide price range?

We have to take into consideration the different possibilities that each patient may require. This could be just the provisional set of teeth; the temporary set attached to the implants and what the final set of teeth is made from. They could be made from metal with acrylic or from the latest materials, such as zirconia. The price range always depends on who is doing the treatment, how many implants are necessary, where it is being done and what laboratories are involved. Different laboratories vary in cost a lot.

We also look at whether it is being done in Europe or in the UK, where the teeth are being made, whether the technician is attending on the day and how experienced the surgeon is. There is a lot of planning that goes into same day implantation and as you can see the price varies because of many different factors.

If you’re interested in having Teeth in a Day, do not hesitate to book a consultation with Mr Abdellatif at his clinic, now.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Ali Abdellatif
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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