The Brazilian bum lift – creating the perfect bum

Autore: Mr Foued Hamza
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 08/04/2020
Editor: Emma McLeod

The Brazilian bum lift has a reputation for simply being a procedure in which the surgeon gives the recipient a bigger bottom. But many doctors, such as Dr Foued Hamza, know that the curves of the body must be taken into consideration, as well as the desires of the patient. Here, he explains what exactly happens during a Brazilian bum lift, how the fat is distributed and what to expect post-treatment.


The photo is angled to directly face a woman's buttocks. She has one hand on each bum cheek and is gripping the fat.

What is a Brazilian bum lift procedure?

In this procedure, the patient’s own fat is removed from one area of the body and used to draw attention to the curves that they might already have, and/or would like to gain by inserting the removed fat into the bum cheeks. Due to the fact that no foreign objects are placed in the body, it can be considered one of the most safe and natural ways to enhance the buttocks.


Who is the typical candidate for a Brazilian bum lift?

Typical candidates for this procedure would be women who have aflat or sagging bum due to genetics, lifestyle or age, or perhaps they’ve had a significant weight loss which has changed the shape of their bum. In any case, with a cost that can reach up to £10,000, this procedure is for candidates who are unsatisfied with their bum and would seriously like to change its shape.


What happens during a Brazilian bum lift procedure?

Fat is removed by liposuction , typically from the patient’s thighs, abdomen, or hips, and is then treated and cleansed before being re-inserted back into the patient’s buttocks area.


According to Dr Hamsa, a surgeon must take the shape of the entire body into account before withdrawing fat and placing it in the buttocks, as they need to consider how and exactly where the reshaping needs to be in relation to the rest of the body. The objective of this is to ensure that the enhancement of the bum seems natural. Some doctors, such as Dr Hamza, have so much experience that they have developed their own sculpting technique.


Fat transfer surgery is performed either under general anaesthetic or under local anaesthetic with sedation. As it is treated as a day case, the patient will usually not have to stay overnight and the entire surgical procedure typically takes one hour. Following the operation, there should be a quick recovery with no cuts and minimal scarring.


Are there side effects people should know about?

To minimise the risk of side effects as much as possible, only a trained and qualified surgeon should perform the procedure. If the fat is injected into thewrong area, such as deep in the gluteal muscle, it’s possible that fatal complications can occur.


What is the recovery period like and when can you sit down again?

The recovery period takes around one to two weeks and the patient is advised not to sit for three to four weeks after the procedure, if possible.


How should someone expect their bum to look after?

With a successful Brazilian bum lift, the patient’s bum will look larger but the highlight of the procedure is that their curves are much more visible and enhanced . The bum will look and feel 100% natural as no silicone or implants should be inserted.


Not only does the finished result last a lifetime, the bum will naturally adapt as the body grows and changes, which means that it won’t be obvious that a surgery was performed.


If you’d like to know more about Brazilian bum lifts or have been searching for a specialist to perform this procedure, don’t hesitate to contact Dr Foued Hamza on his profile.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Foued Hamza
Chirurgia plastica, estetica e riparatrice

Foued Hamza è un chirurgo estetico di fama internazionale con sede a Londra . È classificato come uno dei migliori chirurghi estetici in Europa, specializzato in procedure di rimodellamento del corpo, tra cui il potenziamento dei glutei ( sollevamento del sedere brasiliano ), la liposuzione e la chirurgia del seno . Ha un interesse speciale per la chirurgia del corpo e del seno e il lipofilling .

È molto apprezzato per la sua professionalità, competenza, padronanza delle tecniche e talento artistico. Ha sviluppato la sua tecnica unica di scultura del corpo combinando l'arte di uno scultore di argilla e le sue impressionanti abilità tecniche. In questo modo è in grado di ottenere risultati belli e naturali per i suoi pazienti, migliorando allo stesso tempo la sicurezza e l'efficienza delle procedure.

Ha iniziato a studiare medicina in Tunisia prima di trasferirsi a Parigi, dove si è specializzato in chirurgia plastica ed estetica . Durante il suo soggiorno in Francia, tra il 1988 e il 1997, ha lavorato nei migliori ospedali parigini come gli ospedali Saint-Louis e Henri-Mondor e ha iniziato a costruirsi un nome in tutta Europa. È iscritto al Consiglio medico francese e membro del Consiglio francese di chirurgia estetica e ricostruttiva. Ora pratica nel London Welbeck Hospital ed è uno specialista registrato nel Regno Unito. Partecipa attivamente a seminari e convegni internazionali e continua a lavorare sul miglioramento delle tecniche chirurgiche.

Hamza e il suo team si esercitano in una clinica moderna e specializzata in Harley Street, completamente equipaggiata con le ultime tecnologie. Il team si impegna a fornire assistenza e soddisfazione assolute ad ogni paziente, offrendo tecniche innovative, totale sicurezza, efficienza e comfort al fine di garantire risultati naturali e soddisfacenti .

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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