The rise in popularity of full mouth/arch and All-on-x implants

Autore: Dr Sheraz Aleem
Editor: Conor Dunworth

In his latest online article, renowned cosmetic dentist Dr Sheraz Aleem explains everything you need to know about full mouth/arch dental implants. He explains the benefits of these implants, who is a good candidate for them, and what else you need to consider before deciding on the cosmetic dentistry procedure you want.


Why are they becoming more popular?

The popularity of these implants is on the rise, with an increasing number of individuals opting for this permanent, comfortable, and aesthetically superior solution. Within our practice, we've witnessed a notable surge in cases, attributable to both the quality of our services and heightened public interest in overall well-being, particularly post-COVID. A significant demographic seeking these implants comprises patients seeking preventive care rather than reactive treatment for issues such as bleeding gums and pain.

Statistics reveal that approximately 45% of adults suffer from gum disease, with 10% enduring severe forms that can lead to tooth loss. Interestingly, a considerable portion of our patients requiring full mouth/arch implants are those grappling with advanced gum disease, often hereditary in nature. In certain instances, aggressive hereditary gum disease precipitates premature tooth loss, with patients as young as their early thirties seeking treatment. Rather than evoke alarm, this information underscores the availability of a viable option that closely mimics natural teeth in both appearance and function.


What advantages do they have over dentures?

To comprehend the increasing popularity of All-on-x implants, it's imperative to contrast them with dentures. Current data indicates that roughly 6% of UK adults have no natural teeth, while 15 million people wear dentures. Dentures, though commonly used, lack permanence as they are not affixed to the jaw, presenting deficiencies in aesthetics and stability despite being more cost-effective. In contrast, full mouth/arch implants entail affixing implants directly to the bone, offering unparalleled stability akin to natural teeth. Instead of addressing each missing tooth individually, this approach involves strategically placing 4, 5, or 6 implants per jaw, thus coining the term "All-on-x implants."

The procedure for All-on-x implants is intricate, requiring meticulous planning and execution. Following comprehensive diagnostics, including CT scans, patients undergo surgery under sedation to ensure a pain-free experience. Notably, we prioritise patient comfort throughout the process, offering relaxation techniques and dedicated support from highly trained staff. Unlike conventional practices, we provide patients with immediate temporary solutions post-surgery, averting the inconvenience of being toothless or relying on subpar temporary teeth.


The aesthetic advantages of implants over dentures

Subsequently, the aesthetic phase involves customising a new set of teeth, a domain where our expertise shines. Dr Sheraz Aleem is highly renowned for his exceptional cosmetic work, collaborating closely with patients and our lab to achieve lifelike results. Unlike many providers, we are very proud that we make each individual tooth for every prosthesis, optimising both aesthetics and comfort. Patients can opt for porcelain/ceramic or composite crowns, with a hybrid approach often preferred for its durability and natural feel.


How long do implants last?

In terms of longevity, All-on-x implants typically endure 20-30 years, with the possibility of lifelong retention for implants anchored in the bone. Maintenance, including proper oral hygiene and regular dental visits, significantly impacts longevity. Unlike dentures, which require replacement every 5-7 years, implants offer a more enduring solution.

Importantly, we prioritise preserving healthy teeth whenever possible, resorting to extraction only in cases of severe gum disease. Our specialist periodontist employs cutting-edge technology to manage gum health, offering alternatives to extraction where feasible.


Investing in your dental health

In conclusion, the disparity between dentures and full-mouth implants underscores the latter's superiority in terms of permanence, aesthetics, and functionality. The transformative impact of All-on-x implants extends beyond physical appearance, empowering patients with renewed confidence and quality of life. While complex cases may necessitate additional interventions, seeking professional advice from reputable clinicians remains paramount. Ultimately, investing in dental health is an investment in overall well-being, a principle driving the growing preference for full mouth/arch implants.



Dr Sheraz Aleem is an esteemed cosmetic dentist based in London. If you would like to book a consultation with Dr Aleem, you can do so today via his Top Doctors profile.

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Dr Sheraz Aleem
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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