Urinary infections in men: Do you know the signs?

Autore: Mr Jaspal Virdi
Editor: Karolyn Judge

When you think of urinary tract infections (UTIs), you many connect it to women’s health but it also occurs in men, too. It’s useful to know the signs of UTIs in men so you can get the right treatment.


Here to highlight how this uncomfortable condition can impact men – and how it may be a sign of an underlying issue - is leading urology specialist, Mr Jaspal Virdi.


Young man with a serious expression looking out of the window


Are urinary infections in men common?

A UTI is an infection of any part of urinary system (kidneys, ureter and bladder as well as the prostate and urethra) and while they are more common in women, 12 per cent of men get UTIs.  The consequences of the condition can range from mild to severe.



What causes urinary infections in men?

UTIs in men are uncommon, but incidence rates are higher in elderly men and those with risk factors such as:

  1. Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and other causes of urine outflow obstruction, for example; urinary tract stones or urethral stricture.
  2. Catheterisation - UTI is the most common hospital-acquired infection, and most cases result from indwelling catheters (a catheter that has been placed and left in the bladder).
  3. Previous urinary tract surgery.
  4. Immunocompromised state.



What are the main signs and symptoms?

  1. Strong, persistent urge to urinate (urgency) and increased frequency of urination.
  2. Burning or tingling sensation during or just after urination (dysuria).
  3. Low-grade fever.
  4. Suprapubic tenderness, odorous or cloudy or discoloured urine.
  5. Trouble urinating, especially if you have a problem with your prostate.



What should I do if I think I have a urinary infection?

The most common bacteria-causing UTI in adults is Escherichia coli (E.coli) in approximately 80 per cent of cases. Contact your doctor who will take a urine sample and start you on antibiotics to treat these bacteria.



Are urinary infections a sign of something serious?

In men, UTIs have mostly underlying causes therefore need further investigation by a urology specialist.



How can it be diagnosed and treated?

Initial confirmation of having a UTI and its responsible bacteria is by performing a urine test. Your doctor will start you on antibiotics once it’s confirmed.


Further investigations to find underlying cause is performed by a urologist. Apart from physical examination, a number of tests are required such as:


  • An ultrasound of the urinary tract.
  • A CT scan and cystoscopy (endoscopic examination of urethra and bladder).
  • Treatment is successful, once the underlying cause is removed.



If you’re looking for expert assistance regarding a UTI, make an appointment with Mr Virdi via his Top Doctors’ profile.

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Mr Jaspal Virdi

Mr Jaspal Virdi è un chirurgo urologico di primo piano con sede nell'Essex e nell'Hertfordshire con un particolare interesse nel rilevamento e nel trattamento del cancro alla prostata . Mr Virdi esegue la risonanza magnetica multiparametrica, la biopsia della prostata da fusione, la HIFU focale, la crio-ablazione e la brachiterapia. Ha praticato urologia avanzata per oltre 35 anni e ha una vasta esperienza nel trattamento di varie malattie urologiche .

Virdi ha maturato la sua esperienza in urologia lavorando presso la Royal Infirmary di Edimburgo, la Royal Infirmary di Cardiff, la St Vincent Hospital di Dublino e la University College Hospitals di Londra. È stato anche professore associato di urologia presso il Sher-E Kashmir Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Kashmir in India. Mr Virdi è elencato su The Global Directory of Who's Who in riconoscimento della dedizione alla sua occupazione.

Dal 1998, Virdi è stato attivamente coinvolto nel lavoro di beneficenza e nello sviluppo di nuovi trattamenti innovativi per la ricerca sul cancro alla prostata. Ha una stretta associazione con gli enti di beneficenza HEAL (Hearts, Essex e Londra) e l'appello per il cancro Helen Rollason. Mr Virdi lavora anche a stretto contatto con le comunità locali dell'Essex per raccogliere fondi tenendo cerimonie come "piantare un albero".

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Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Malattie sessualmente trasmissibili (MST)
    Allungamento del pene (Falloplastica)
    Circoncisione adulti
    Laparoscopia urologica
    Oncologia urologica
    Urologia geriatrica
    Trapianto renale
    Frenulo corto
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