Vaginal wall repair: benefits, post-operative care and non-surgical alternatives

Autore: Dr Avanti Patil
Editor: Conor Lynch

A vaginal wall prolapse, which most commonly occurs in women who have had numerous vaginal deliveries during childbirth, can certainly have an adverse impact on the lives of women worldwide. Fortunately, however, a vaginal wall repair can correct this problematic vaginal prolapse condition.


In our latest article, expert gynaecologist, Dr Avanti Patil, outlines the various benefits to having a vaginal wall repair procedure done, post-operative care recommendations, as well as available non-surgical alternatives.

Benefits of vaginal wall repair 

There are various benefits associated with reducing the bulge within the vagina, such as:


  • more comfort
  • more comfortable and satisfactory sexual intercourse
  • the bladder and/or bowels will empty more effectively
  • reduction of urinary frequency and urgency


Post-operative recommendations

  • Mobilisation is key, as using your leg muscles will reduce the risk of clots in the back of the legs (DVT).
  • bath or shower as normal
  • do not use tampons for six weeks
  • avoid douching the vagina
  • avoid heavy lifting


What to report to your doctor following surgery 

The following post-operative symptoms should be reported immediately to the patient’s doctor:


  • heavy vaginal bleeding
  • smelly vaginal discharge
  • severe pain
  • high fever
  • pain or discomfort passing urine or blood in the urine
  • difficulty opening your bowels.
  • warm, painful, swollen leg
  • chest pain or difficulty breathing


Non-surgical treatment alternatives 

A vaginal wall repair surgical intervention is not always required, and there are many alternatives to surgery. For example, if the prolapse is not too bothersome, then treatment is not necessarily needed. If, however, the prolapse permanently protrudes through the opening of the vagina and is exposed to the air, it may become dried out and eventually ulcerate.


Even if it is not causing symptoms in this situation, it is probably best to push it back with a ring pessary or have an operation to repair it. Weight reduction in overweight women and avoiding risk factors such as smoking (leading to chronic cough), heavy weight lifting jobs and constipation, may help with symptom control. The prolapse may become worse with time but it can then be treated.


The pelvic floor muscles support the pelvic organs. Strong muscles can help to prevent a prolapse dropping further. PFEs are unlikely, however, to provide significant improvement for a severe prolapse where the uterus is protruding outside the vagina.


A women’s health physiotherapist can explain how to perform these exercises with the correct technique. It is important that the patient attempts various recommended pelvic floor exercises to help manage the symptoms of prolapse and to prevent it becoming worse.


A pessary (a vaginal device) may be inserted into the vagina to support the vaginal walls and uterus. A pessary is usually used continuously and changed by a doctor or nurse every four to 12 months, depending on the type used and how well it suits the patient.


If you are considering having a vaginal wall repair or are, in any way, concerned about the vaginal area, you can book a consultation with highly experienced gynaecologist, Dr Avanti Patil, by visiting her Top Doctor's profile


*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Avanti Patil
Ginecologia e Ostetricia

Miss Avanti Patil è una ginecologa consulente altamente qualificata, che esercita privatamente sia presso il BMI Chiltren Hospital che il BMI The Shelburne Hospital . Ha una vasta gamma di competenze in ginecologia generale che forniscono cure di alta qualità alle donne con condizioni ginecologiche generali. Le sue aree di competenza comprendono uroginecologia, incontinenza urinaria, incontinenza perineale post partum, endometriosi, dolore pelvico, prolasso del pavimento pelvico, disturbi mestruali, contraccezione e menopausa.

Miss Patil ha completato la sua formazione in ginecologia nel Deanery di Londra e ha ottenuto una borsa di ricerca in uroginecologia con il professor Jonathan Duckett al Medway NHS Foundation Trust. Ha poi continuato a completare la formazione avanzata in uroginecologia con la professoressa Linda Cardozo al Kings College Hospital di Londra.

Miss Patil lavora anche come consulente ginecologa e ostetrica presso il Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust presso lo Stoke Mandeville Hospital, Aylesbury, Bucks. Ha istituito una clinica perineale dedicata allo Stoke Mandeville e al Wycombe General Hospital, che ha ottenuto un eccellente feedback dei pazienti. Tiene regolarmente incontri multidisciplinari di uroginologia all'interno del Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust.

Il suo lavoro rimane concentrato su obiettivi di soddisfazione centrati sul paziente. È coinvolta in vari progetti di ricerca e pubblicazioni e presenta frequentemente il suo lavoro sia a livello nazionale che internazionale.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Vedi il profilo

Valutazione generale del paziente

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Bio-stimolazione con plasma ricco di piastrine
    Malattie sessualmente trasmissibili (MST)
    Consulenza cosmetica
    Ricostruzione mammaria
    Malformazioni congenite
    Disfunzioni sessuali
    Laparoscopia urologica
    Disfunzione erettile
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