What are the first signs of gum disease?

Autore: Dr Blanca Crooke
Editor: Conor Lynch

In this article below, highly qualified dentist, Dr Blanca Crooke, details the main differences between a dentist and a periodontist, and explains what patients can expect from their first visit to a periodontist.

What areas do periodontists focus on?

Periodontists focus on the gums. They treat gum diseases (periodontitis) and keep it under control. Gum disease is an infectious disease mainly caused by bacteria, and some people are more susceptible than others to these bacteria.


Bacteria starts accumulating between the gum and the tooth, creating a pocket. This pocket can keep growing and the tissue that gives support to the tooth starts going away as a mechanism defence (if we lost a lot of attachment the tooth would start moving). Our main aim is to give teeth a longer life. Periodontists also specialise in gum recession and dental implants


What is the difference between a periodontist and a dentist?

Periodontists have a more in-depth understanding of the gum and how to treat its issues when compared to dentists.


What happens on a first visit to a periodontist?

The first visit to a periodontist should be the same as any other dentist. Our obligation as dentists is to check any issues that our patient might have, such as gum diseases, decay, and/or broken teeth. Periodontists will focus on the treatment for gum issues, but should be able to diagnose every other problem. Any dentist must know when there is a gum issue and refer the patient if they do not know what to do. 


What are the first signs of periodontal (gum) disease?

There are many warning signs of gum disease. The main ones are as follows:

  • bad breath
  • bleeding gums 
  • sudden spaces between teeth
  • black triangles between teeth 
  • tooth mobility 


What ways can a periodontist treat periodontal (gum) disease?

We can stop gum disease from progressing. The first step of the treatment is to make sure that our patient has excellent oral hygiene. Secondly, the patient will be treated non-surgically.


Afterwards, depending on the severity of the case, we might have to perform some advanced surgeries to repair the damage caused by the disease. 


To schedule in an appointment with Dr Blanca Crooke, simply head on over to her Top Doctors profile today.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Blanca Crooke
Odontoiatria e stomatologia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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