What are the most common sports injuries?
Autore:In his latest online article, renowned consultant orthopaedic surgeon Mr Atif Malik offers his expert insight into sports injuries. He explains the most common injuries, the treatment options, and how these injuries can be prevented in the future.
What are the most common types of injuries in sports?
In my practice, the most frequent injuries I encounter are soft tissue, brain injuries, and ligament tears. Specifically, knee injuries like meniscal tears and ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) tears stand out. These often occur in sports involving a lot of pivoting, such as football, badminton, or rugby, where the twisting and impact lead to lower leg soft tissue injuries, hamstring strains, Achilles tendon tears, and medial ligament knee sprains. Fractures are also relatively common in sports but aren't as prevalent as soft tissue injuries.
How should sports injuries be treated initially?
Treatment depends on the energy involved in the incident and the symptoms. Minor soft tissue sprains can often be managed without seeing a specialist using the RICE method—rest, ice, compression, elevation.
However, concerning signs with lower limb injuries include an inability to bear weight, severe pain, or mechanical issues like clicking, locking, or instability. When these symptoms arise, it's wise to seek advice from a specialist. If symptoms persist despite appropriate care, seeking specialist help becomes crucial.
Do sports injuries often require surgery?
The need for surgery varies with each injury. Most sports injuries can be resolved with proper advice and physical therapy from our MSK (musculoskeletal) colleagues. Occasionally, additional treatment modalities like shockwave therapy or injections might be considered. Diagnostic imaging such as x-rays, ultrasounds, or MRI scans aids in tailoring the management plan for each patient. Individualized care is essential, focusing on the patient's needs and lifestyle, ensuring a safe return to their beloved sport.
How can I prevent future injuries?
Preparation is key. Ensure you're adequately prepared for your sports or fitness activity—stay hydrated, wear appropriate gear, warm up properly, approach the activity realistically, and cool down afterward. Seek advice specific to your activity to minimize injury risks and ensure a safer experience.
If you would like to book a consultation with Mr Malik, you can do so today via his Top Doctors profile.