What can jaw joint problems lead to?

Autore: Professor Andrew Sidebottom
Editor: Conor Lynch

Here, in this article below, revered consultant oral and maxillofacial surgeon, Professor Andrew Sidebottom, explains what the TMJ joint is, where it is located, and when surgery is required for TMJ joint-related problems.

What is the TMJ joint, and where is it located?

The TMJ (temporomandibular joint) is the joint between your lower jaw and the base of your skull. The TMJ is connected at both ends of the lower jaw, and is unique in the sense that both the left and right sides work simultaneously together. It can be felt in and around the middle of the ear.


What can jaw joint problems lead to?

Jaw joint problems can typically lead to pain, limitation of movement, and the jaw actually locking. This is referred to as temporomandibular disorder (TMD). It is a common problem which is mostly self-limiting or can be managed simply with non-surgical intervention.


When is surgery required for TMJ joint issues?

Surgical intervention for TMJ-related problems is normally needed when the discomfort and limitation are stemming directly from the joint, and conservative management has been unsuccessful. 


What type of surgery can be performed?

There are many surgical options available for those who wish to undergo surgery to treat TMJ-related problems. These include the following:


  • minimally invasive arthroscopy
  • arthrocentesis
  • open surgery
  • joint replacement (similar to knee and hip replacement).


Information on conservative management, management of muscle spasm pain, arthroscopy, open surgery and TMJ replacement can be found on my Top Doctors profile, where you can also find patient feedback from patients who have successfully undergone these procedures.


To book a consultation with Professor Andrew Sidebottom, head on over to his Top Doctors profile today. 

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Professor Andrew Sidebottom
Chirurgia Orale e Maxillofacciale

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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