What is a colposcopy? An expert explains
Autore:Colposcopy is a magnified look at the cervix, the neck of the womb, to detect any abnormalities if there is a clinical suspicion or if a cervical screening test shows abnormal results. Highly esteemed consultant gynaecologist Miss Sreeparna Biswas, who treats patients in Kettering, discusses what to expect from a colposcopy appointment. She explains why colposcopies are performed, what to do and avoid doing prior to an appointment, and what happens following the examination.
What is the aim of a colposcopy?
A colposcopy is a test to take a closer look at your cervix. The cervix is the opening to your womb that connects to the vagina. A colposcopy is often done if a cervical screening finds changes to your cells, caused by certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV). These cells can later become cervical cancer cells.
How is a colposcopy performed?
It is usually performed in a specialised colposcopy clinic. There is a chair with stirrups to rest the legs. A speculum, a tube-like, smooth surfaced tool, is then inserted into the vagina to look at the cervix and a special dye is applied to the cervix. A microscope, which remains outside the body, examines the cervix in detail.
If abnormalities are detected, a small sample of cells may be taken from your cervix for testing. This is called a biopsy. Local anaesthesia is often used for this but usually only causes discomfort rather than pain.
Is a colposcopy painful?
No, the procedure is not painful. If a biopsy or further treatment is needed, local anaesthetic is used. Most patients say the biopsy is similar to a mild period ache.
Do women need to do anything to prepare before a colposcopy?
It’s best to avoid a colposcopy whilst on your period. So, if you are menstruating, the appointment needs to be rescheduled.
24 hours before your colposcopy don’t:
- have penetrative vaginal sex
- put any products, like tampons, vaginal creams, or medicines, inside the vagina
After your colposcopy, you may experience some bleeding so bring a sanitary pad or panty liner to the appointment. Inform the person performing the colposcopy if you have an IUD coil or Mirena coil.
What are the next steps after undergoing a colposcopy?
Once the colposcopy is over, you can drive yourself home and rest. You might experience mild pain for a few days, similar to period pain. Taking a painkiller such as paracetamol can help.
If you had a colposcopy only, then it is unlikely that you will experience bleeding and discharge from your vagina. These side effects will pass after a few days if they do occur.
After a biopsy or LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone), the risk of bleeding is higher and it can last longer. Some people, bleed for up to 4 weeks afterwards.
If you have any bleeding, discharge and pain:
- avoid penetrative sex
- avoid inserting anything in your vagina
- use sanitary pads, instead of tampons or menstrual cups
- avoid anything that could aggravate bleeding or pain, for example, strenuous exercise.
If you have received abnormal biopsy results and would like to have further examinations, book a colposcopy with Miss Sreeparna Biswas today via her Top Doctor’s profile.