What is the difference between delivery and labour?

Autore: Ms Vinita Singh
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 02/01/2025
Editor: Conor Lynch

In this article here, Ms Vinita Singh, a highly accomplished consultant obstetrician, details the main difference between delivery and labour, before telling us how mothers-to-be can adequately prepare themselves for delivery.

What is the difference between delivery and labour?

Labour and delivery are different stages of the birth process. Labour refers to the process in which the body prepares for childbirth. The main organs involved in labour are the uterus and the cervix, but in fact, it is process that involves the whole body. During this time, the uterus contracts and as a result, the cervix becomes thin and dilate.


There are two different stages of labour: early labour and active labour. Active labour itself involves both the first stage and second stage of labour. Early labour, meanwhile, is when your body is gently preparing to go into labour. It is usually called early labour until the cervix is four centimetres dilated.


Active labour then begins after four centimetres. The first stage of labour is when the cervix is between four to 10 centimetres, while the second stage of labour is from fully dilated until the actual birth of the baby.


How can the expectant mother prepare for delivery?

Women should empower themselves by understanding their pregnancy as much or as best as they possibly can. I would also suggest the following advice:


  • have realistic expectations according to your nine-month journey
  • remain active if your health allows it
  • practice some relaxation techniques
  • make yourself familiar with the birthing unit
  • make a practical birth plan with your obstetrician
  • rest adequately


What are some common complications during delivery?

Complications can occur at various stages throughout one’s pregnancy. Complications that can potentially occur before birth include:


  • water breaking early (before labour)
  • labour that is not progressing according to expectations
  • baby getting distressed in labour


Complications that can sometimes occur during birth include:


  • maternal exhaustions (instrumental delivery)
  • emergency C-section delivery
  • shoulder dystocia


Complications sometimes experienced after birth include:


  • perineal tears
  • excessive bleeding


What can you expect after delivery?

After delivery, patients can expect a bit of bleeding and contraction pain. Things such as vaginal soreness, vaginal bleeding, contractions, incontinence, mood changes, and tender breasts may also be experienced.


What activities are good for a mother after delivery?

If one has had a straightforward birth, they can start gentle exercise as soon as they are up to it. This could include walking, gentle stretches, pelvic floor and tummy exercises. It's usually a good idea to wait until after your six-week postnatal check before you start any high-impact exercise, such as aerobics or running.


What should you not do after delivering a baby?

After giving birth, women should avoid stairs and lifting until their doctor says these activities are safe. They also should not take a bath or go swimming until the doctor says it's safe to do so. Mothers who have recently given birth also shouldn’t drive until the doctor gives the all-clear. It is also vitally important that women don’t ignore the vaginal or unusual pain in the weeks and months after giving birth.


To book an appointment with Ms Vinita Singh, you can head on over to her Top Doctors profile today to do so.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Ms Vinita Singh
Ginecologia e Ostetricia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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