What sports can I resume knee replacement

Autore: Mr Jonathan Walczak
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 10/01/2025
Editor: Cameron Gibson-Watt

For decades, patients who underwent knee replacement surgery were advised to restrict physical activity and just focus on getting back to walking pain-free - any type of sport was simply out of the question.

Nowadays, however, as knee implants and techniques have greatly improved, all that has changed and patients are now more eager than ever to know when they can return to competitive sports and are curious to test the boundaries of their new knee.

So which sports are safe to resume after a knee replacement? Mr Jonathan Walczak, one of our top consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeons explains.



What sports are safe to play after a knee replacement?

Generally, there is no restriction once you recover from your knee replacement, which can take up to three to six months. Many people don’t feel comfortable kneeling for more than brief periods, but any form of sport that doesn’t cause significant pain or swelling is permitted. I have even had patients who have run marathons with knee replacements and that's not what everyone would normally expect!


On the whole, people are comfortable playing golf, bowls, gym, swimming and racket sports and some can return to football, netball, hockey and rugby; although again, I say any activity which is not causing pain is acceptable.


Can an athlete continue to play competitive sports following a knee replacement?

Athletes can continue to play competitive sports but they will certainly be a little compromised compared to their peers with normal knees.


For people who want to return to athletic sports, they should focus on working on their flexibilitybalancestrength, and proprioception during the rehabilitation period, as well as focusing on their diets. This will help to build muscle and bone, and thereby improve the joint replacement outcome.


Are high impact sports advised against?

I wouldn’t advise against high impact sports if that is your preference, but it will, in theory, wear out the knee replacement a little bit quicker.


Which is the best sport for the rehabilitation period?

The best sport for rehabilitation is one that works upon a range of motion, strength and stability. In general, it is recommended to stay as active as you can as it helps to:

  • Strengthen your knee muscles
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Relieve stress


The types of exercises that will help do this include:

  • cycling
  • swimming
  • walking
  • low resistance weightlifting
  • various gym work, such as squats, lunges and cross-training


You should continue doing the exercises prescribed by your physiotherapist and playing sports shouldn’t be used as a substitute.


What benefits does a knee replacement provide to the patient?

The benefits of a knee replacement are that 90% of people would have a significant reduction in pain, usually from a pre-operative pain of 8 out of 10 to 1 out of 10. Overall, it offers the patient a huge improvement in their quality of life and there are even many people who are completely pain-free after having a knee replacement. Recent studies have shown that in contrast to the popular belief that they only last for 10 years, 80% are still going strong at 25 years.


Those who are very active feel there is still a little bit of pain but it is much easier to manage than before without painkillers and isn't a big intrusion upon their life.


Mr Jonathan Walczak is a highly experienced consultant orthopaedic and trauma surgeon based in London and South East England. To make an appointment with him, visit his Top Doctors profile and check his availability.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Jonathan Walczak

Jonathan Walczak è un consulente di grande esperienza ortopedico e chirurgo del trauma , con cliniche private presso il BMI Chelsfield Park Hospital , il BMI The Sloane Hospital , il BMI Shirley Oaks e il KIMS Hospital nel Kent. Walczak è specializzato in protesi dell'anca e del ginocchio, chirurgia del buco della serratura, lesioni sportive, riparazione del legamento crociato anteriore e borsite. Ha anche esperienza nella gestione dell'artrite del ginocchio. Appassionato corridore e ciclista, comprende le esigenze degli atleti e si impegna ad aiutare le persone di tutte le abilità a tornare allo sport e all'attività fisica ove possibile.

Walczak ha studiato alla Guy's Hospital Medical School dal 1981 al 1987. La sua formazione post-laurea includeva una borsa di studio specialistica in chirurgia dell'anca. Ha ricoperto la carica di consulente di trauma e chirurgo ortopedico presso il Bromley NHS Trust dal 1999 ed è ora impiegato presso il Kings College NHS Trust , lavorando presso gli ospedali Farnborough, Beckenham e Orpington.

I suoi interessi speciali sono la sostituzione dell'articolazione degli arti inferiori, inclusa la sostituzione minima dell'anca e del ginocchio. Ha sviluppato un approccio di accesso minimo all'anca che è stato utilizzato in oltre 1000 casi di sostituzione dell'anca. L'uso di questo approccio ha drasticamente ridotto la necessità di trasfusioni di sangue nella chirurgia di sostituzione dell'anca a meno di 1 paziente su 8.

Walczak è pronto a trattare prontamente sia i suoi pazienti privati che quelli del SSN con un approccio molto incentrato sul paziente. È membro del Royal College of Surgeons of England e membro della British Orthopaedic Association .

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

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