What to expect during a gynaecological examination

Autore: Dr Nicola Davies
Editor: Kate Forristal

Gynaecological examinations are an important aspect of women's healthcare, aimed at ensuring reproductive health and early detection of any potential issues. While these exams can seem daunting or uncomfortable for some, they are crucial for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. In her latest online article, Dr Nicola Davies gives us her insights.



What is a gynaecological examination?


A gynaecological examination involves a visit to a healthcare provider, often a gynaecologist or a general practitioner with a specialisation in women's health. During this examination, the healthcare provider examines the external and internal reproductive organs of a woman. This includes the vagina, cervix, uterus, and ovaries. The purpose is to check for any abnormalities, infections, or signs of illness.


Why are gynaecological examinations important?


Regular gynaecological examinations are vital for several reasons:


What to expect during the examination


External examination

The healthcare provider will start with an external examination of the genital area. This involves visually inspecting the vulva (the outer part of the genitals) for any abnormalities or signs of infection.


Speculum examination

Next, a speculum (a plastic or metal instrument) may be gently inserted into the vagina. This allows the healthcare provider to see the cervix (the lower part of the uterus). It may feel slightly uncomfortable but should not be painful. 


Bimanual examination

A bimanual examination involves the healthcare provider inserting gloved fingers into the vagina while pressing on the abdomen with the other hand. This helps assess the size and position of the uterus and ovaries.


Addressing common concerns


Pain or discomfort

While gynaecological examinations may cause mild discomfort, they should not be painful. It's normal to feel a sensation of pressure during certain parts of the exam.


Embarrassment or anxiety

Feeling embarrassed or anxious is common. Remember, healthcare providers are professionals who perform these exams regularly and are focused on your health and wellbeing.


Preparation tips

  1. Appointment timing: Try to schedule your exam when you are not menstruating, as this can make certain parts of the exam easier.
  2. Questions: Feel free to ask any questions or voice concerns before, during, or after the exam.
  3. Relaxation techniques: Practise relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, to help you stay calm during the exam.



Dr Nicola Davies is an esteemed menopause doctor. You can schedule an appointment with Dr Davies on her Top Doctors profile.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Dr Nicola Davies
Medico di famiglia

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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Valutazione generale del paziente

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