What to expect if you’re considering rhinoplasty

Autore: Mr Irfan Syed
Pubblicato: | Aggiornato: 16/05/2023
Editor: Jay Staniland

Rhinoplasty, or more commonly known as a nose job, is an operation that involves changing the shape of the nose to improve its cosmetic appearance. In some cases, there may also be a functional problem with the difficulty in breathing through the nose. This is something that can also be corrected as part of the procedure.


Consultation with the rhinoplasty surgeon


If you’re thinking about having rhinoplasty and are unhappy with the shape of your nose, then the consultation with your surgeon is the most important part of the process.

In this appointment, or more importantly series of appointments, the surgeon should find out exactly what are your particular concerns with your nose. The surgeon will then explain to you what can be done surgically to meet your expectations. It is routine practice for us to take some medical photographs of your face in order to plan the procedure and also to explain what we’re going to be doing.


The rhinoplasty procedure


Rhinoplasty is carried out under general anaesthetic as a day case procedure, so you shouldn't need to stay in hospital overnight.

There are two parts of the nose. There’s an upper bony part and a lower cartilage part. The upper bony part forms the bridge of the nose and the lower cartilage part includes the tip of your nose.

As part of the procedure, cuts are made inside and sometimes outside your nose and the skin and soft tissue is lifted off the bone and cartilage of the nose. This gives us access to the framework of the nose so that we can change the size, shape, and overall general appearance of the nose.


Recovery after rhinoplasty


After rhinoplasty, you should really allow for about 1 to 2 weeks off work. There will often be a dressing or a splint applied to the bridge of your nose to protect your nose and allow it to heal correctly. We often remove this splint or dressing about a week following surgery.


Why have rhinoplasty surgery at London ENT Surgeons?


At London ENT Surgeons, we recognise that making the decision to have cosmetic surgery on your nose is a big step. Choosing a surgeon can be incredibly difficult. There are a huge number of surgeons to choose from and it’s difficult to know if that surgeon has the skills in order to perform your operation.

At London ENT Surgeons, we guarantee that your rhinoplasty surgeon is an accredited NHS consultant with experience in complex nasal reconstruction. Our rhinoplasty surgeons have undertaken extra specialist training in nose reshaping surgery over and above basic plastic surgical training. In our consultation, we will listen to the concerns that you have about your nose and involve you in the surgical planning process. We will provide further consultations at no extra charge prior to your surgery to ensure that we have answered all your questions before you have this operation.

Our aim is to take the stress off this process so that you get the best result possible because we've offered you the best service possible.

If you are considering having rhinoplasty, make an appointment with a specialist here.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

Mr Irfan Syed

Irfan è un otorinolaringoiatra di Londra e un chirurgo plastico facciale. Tratta un'ampia gamma di condizioni otorinolaringoiatriche generali e pediatriche e ha uno speciale interesse per la rinologia (naso e seni paranasali) e per la chirurgia plastica facciale (ricostruzione nasale e gestione delle lesioni cutanee).

Ha conseguito la specializzazione in sub-specialità fellowship in rinologia e chirurgia plastica facciale presso il St George's Hospital di Londra e il Sino-Nasal Institute of Florida. È stato insignito della British Rhinological Society Bursary Award per la formazione presso il Sinus and Nasal Institute of Florida e l'European Rhinological Society Award per la formazione presso l'Amsterdam Medical Center. La sua formazione internazionale lo ha portato anche a Parigi e a Vancouver.

Oltre al suo lavoro clinico, Mr Syed è ben riconosciuto per il suo ruolo nell'insegnamento chirurgico post-laurea ed è direttore del corso per il London Endoscopic Sinus Surgery, il London London Plastic Surgery, il London ST3 e il London FRCS (ORL- HNS) Corso Viva. È stato invitato a insegnare in numerosi corsi nazionali e internazionali, tra cui il Corso di dissezione alla rinoplastica Step by Step di Londra e il Corso di formazione cosmetica estetica per il viso di Londra. È autore di numerosi libri di testo in medicina e chirurgia. Ha pubblicato estensivamente in letteratura peer reviewed e ha presentato il suo lavoro a livello internazionale.

Attualmente è consulente specialista presso la Commissione per la qualità dell'assistenza e membro attivo del comitato per l'OTT-UK, che lavora per migliorare la formazione dei futuri chirurghi ORL.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

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