When is chest pain serious?

Autore: Dr Amarjit Sethi
Editor: Laura Burgess

What has chest pain been described as feeling like?

Cardiac chest pain, or the pain of a heart attack, has been described as a sudden onset of pain in the centre of the chest that feels like a heaviness, pressure or weight on the area. It has also been described as a tight band or like a tight belt around the chest as in some adverts. It may radiate or spread to other areas like the arms or neck and jaw and may be associated with other symptoms or feelings. These may include the sudden onset of shortness of breath, sweating or being sick. These feelings could represent a heart attack and the advice would be to call 999 immediately for an ambulance.

What are the most common causes of chest pain unrelated to the heart? 

Other common causes of chest discomfort or pain are indigestion or heartburn, muscular problems after a strain which are relieved by resting the muscle, chest infections or other infections like shingles affecting the chest wall with an associated rash.


What are the most common heart problems that cause chest pain?

Angina causes chest pain due to narrowing of the arteries in the heart. This feels like chest pain in the centre of the chest on exertion and is relieved by rest or the use of a nitrate spray or GTN. It may be short-lived but can last longer and feel like the description of a heart attack above. A heart attack is due to a blockage of an artery in the heart and is life-threatening needing urgent medical treatment to unblock the artery. This is called angioplasty and is performed in specialist heart attack centres.


When should I see a specialist?

If you have chest pain on exertion that disappears quickly or you are worried about the recent onset of chest pain, even if it comes and goes, then you should seek help from your GP or be referred to a rapid access chest pain clinic to see a cardiologist.


When is chest pain a medical emergency?

Sudden onset of chest pain with the features described above is an emergency and you should dial 999 for an ambulance immediately.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione
Dr Amarjit Sethi

Dr Amarjit Sethi

Il dott. Amarjit Sethi è un esperto cardiologo consulente con sede a Londra, Brentwood e Hemel Hempstead, che è un esperto nella diagnosi e nel trattamento della malattia coronarica. Ha un interesse speciale per l'angiografia coronarica e l'angioplastica coronarica e l'inserimento di pacemaker permanenti. È un esperto in TC cardiaca e imaging intravascolare e ultrasuoni intravascolari. Tratta anche i pazienti con attacchi di cuore acuti.

Il dott. Sethi ha completato i suoi studi di medicina presso la United Medical and Dental Schools di Guy's e St Thomas 'nel 1992, ricevendo la sua laurea (Hons) in immunologia e premi in medicina, farmacologia e immunologia. Ha intrapreso la sua formazione presso il Royal Brompton, London Chest Hospital e St Bartholomew's Hospital.

La sua tesi di dottorato riguardava i meccanismi e la modulazione della disfunzione delle cellule vascolari presso il William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University di Londra. Questa ricerca è stata pubblicata e presentata alla riunione di arteriosclerosi, trombosi e biologia vascolare dell'American Heart Association e alla European Society of Cardiology. Le attuali aree di ricerca del dott. Sethi comprendono le sindromi coronariche acute e la valutazione fisiologica della malattia coronarica.

*Tradotto con Google Translator. Preghiamo ci scusi per ogni imperfezione

  • Altri trattamenti d'interesse
  • Infarto/ angina pectoris
    Ipertensione arteriosa
    Insufficienza cardiaca
    Lesioni valvolari
    Soffio cardiaco
    Elettrocardiogramma in ambulatorio (Holter)
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